Reclaiming Client Celebrations
Keli Lyn Jewel
Life Coach // I help women break free of their pressure points and reclaim their power in life.
Today, I want to celebrate some of the incredible transformational experiences my clients have had during our work together.?
These aren’t testimonials my clients have sent me in response to some leading questions about our work together. Nor are they pieces of information anyone has asked to be shared for the purpose of marketing and selling “working with me.” (No shade against testimonials. I use them. This just isn’t that.)?
This isn’t about me at all.?
It’s a moment for us to celebrate the astounding accomplishments these women have achieved. Because they deserve to be celebrated. (Even if they’re anonymized to protect their privacy and retain their rights for consent.)?
So, what are these transformations we’re celebrating??
?? The woman who recovered from bulimia, started coaching others on their own recovery journey, and then decided to go back to school for psychology so she could help them more thoroughly.?
?? The artist who was told her whole life that she was “weird” as a derogatory term, who feared that her “weirdness” would lead to severe mental illness like a family member had suffered. She embraced her “weirdness” and learned to love herself unconditionally, incorporating it all into really beautiful artwork.?
?? The physiotherapist who dreamed of operating a private practice but didn’t believe she would ever be good enough, who stopped consuming course after course and learned to trust her own expertise to open her business.?
?? The landscape architect who has been working tirelessly to ensure the governmental organization she works for is promoting equity in their internal structures as well as their designs. She communicates with indigenous communities to ensure honor. She strives to make everything she touches better. And she’s currently doing something new — taking some time off to tend to herself.?
?? The Australian woman who dramatically improved the quality of her intimate partnership by having the difficult conversation about ethical non-monogamy, showing up as her full self within the relationship and allowing their partnership to expand in new and exciting ways.?
?? The lawyer who was riddled with anxiety because she had gotten to the top by making work her main priority and didn’t know how to “care less” in order to prioritize her family without jeopardizing her livelihood. She now “doesn’t care” about work (quotes because those are her words), having clear boundaries around what she will and won’t do, as well as when she will and won’t work. She prioritizes her family and is far more present with her husband and children. (And she’s still doing excellent work…just without all the anxiety!)
?? The East Coast woman who developed the courage to work with a trauma therapist for EMDR to heal some big wounds from her past. She went on to also consult her doctor about HRT for perimenopause symptoms rather than forcing herself to “suffer through.” And now she’s restructuring her schedule to better work with her body and her brain, rather than continuing to shove herself into a patriarchal, capitalistic box that her industry designed (which realistically works for no one).?
?? The coach who’s literally leaving her job this week because she has signed enough clients to make the finances work with what she’s saved. She’ll be focusing on filling her 1:1 books over the next couple of months (and given her email and consult call conversion rates that we just talked about last night, I’m confident they’ll fill up pretty quickly!)
?? The accountant whose former boss would use manipulation and other abusive tactics (including withholding paychecks). She built up the strength and courage to not only leave that job, but start her own (now THRIVING) accounting business that honors her values.
?? The sexologist who has not only proven to herself that she can sell her offers as a sex coach, but has found a way to incorporate her fondness for romance novels into her business as a smut consultant. She’s offering her expertise to ensure sex positivity from the angles of consent (of course), but also racial and gender equity, how bodies actually work, and whether or not what’s written would actually be possible…or pleasurable.?
??? The environmentalist running a reforestation organization who has been writing stories for her daughter for the last couple of years and developed the courage to publish her first in a series of children's books about environmental activism.?
?? The photographer who — after a decade in business, struggling with time and money — was able to clear her first $100k year with EASE and enough time to pursue a new passion of weight lifting (and went on to some incredibly impressive competition wins).
?? The midwestern mom who wanted to ensure she wasn’t passing on generational trauma and instead has been actively working — through both talk therapy and coaching — to break cycles. She shows up to hold space for and encourage her son to feel and process the full range of human emotions. And offers an example of what it looks like to do so in adulthood by holding the same space for herself.?
?? The marketing consultant who felt misaligned with the work she was doing and realized she needed to be using her vast knowledge of tarot, astrology, and Human Design in order to create offers that align more than writing email copy ever could.?
?? The engineer who decided to start dating again, a decade after leaving an abusive marriage. She’s having so much fun. And has done an incredible amount of self-love and stability work, so she’s able to have that fun without making this dating experience a referendum on her self-worth. She knows she’s worthy of the relationship she wants. And she’s enjoying the pursuit of finding it.
?? The web designer with chronic pain who has learned how to stop hating her body, instead treating it with kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love. She’s developed a work schedule that works for her body. She’s utilizing mobility aids without shame. And she’s reclaiming her ability to live the life she wants to live, in relationship with her body instead of at war with it.
?? The certified coach whose training didn’t include anything about how to run a business. She stopped weaponizing her inexperience against herself and decided to get a job to take the financial pressure off of her business, giving herself some breathing room to play and experiment so she can find what works for her.?
?? The factory worker who got married because she was chosen, with zero regard to whether or not she would choose her former spouse. (Hello, patriarchy! Hello, puritanism!) She has gotten to a place where she is starting to see that she’s loveable — exactly as she is. And that she gets to be in a relationship that suits her needs and desires, too.?
There are SO MANY OTHERS I could list. And every single one of them is worthy of celebration.?
Why am I sharing these client wins? Because this is the shit I live for.?
I had dinner with some friends a few nights ago and sat across the table from a running coach who was just an acquaintance of mine (but a close friend of a couple who were there). He and I were talking about how almost overwhelming of a joyous experience it is to see someone blow their own mind.?
When a client doesn’t know what they’re capable of and proves to themselves how much MORE they have in them, how much more they ARE than they had previously considered…there’s nothing like it.?
I only imagine this is something akin to how parents feel when their kids do cool shit. I can’t speak to that directly, obviously.?
But the pride I feel FOR my clients when they overcome an obstacle, discover something new about themselves, achieve something beyond what they envisioned, and treat themselves with more love and kindness? That’s unmatched.?
And it’s not from a “Look what I helped them do” or “They couldn’t have done it without me” place.?
The possibility has always existed within them; I didn’t give it to them. They had to find it for themselves; I couldn’t have handed it to them. And there are likely many ways they could have come to it that would have had nothing to do with me.?
And that’s not downplaying or degrading the work I do. I’m an excellent coach. And I help my clients create amazing results for themselves.?
But just like anything they DON’T achieve isn’t my fault, anything they DO isn’t mine to own.?
The wins, the achievements, the barriers broken, the boundaries upheld, the accomplishments, the growth…all of it belongs to them. They deserve to own it.
We all deserve to own those things. And to have them celebrated.?
If you need someone in your corner cheering you on while holding up the hard truths, I’d love to be that for you.?
There are a few ways to work with me. Right now, I’m enrolling for my group sales program, SellingU. The 2024 cohort starts on March 27. If you’re an entrepreneur, this may be exactly the kind of business support you’ve been looking for.?
And if you’re not an entrepreneur, I’ve got other offers that may be more up your alley, both in group and 1:1 settings.
Either way, let’s talk about it! Email me at [email protected], and we’ll get your questions answered so you can have your own personal cheerleader.