Shalisa L. Wall, B.A., A.S.
Founder of "Shalisa's Sisters"| Women's Advocate| Public Speaker| Veteran| Social Service Servant| Social Justice Activist | Volunteer I Content Creator I Writer
?You finally met the man of your dreams. You couldn't be happier; every time you hear his voice you get butterflies in your stomach. You can't wait to see him at the end of the day; you're deliriously in love!
?Most of us know that all relationships have their ups and downs, and your relationship is no different, one day you two lovebirds have your first disagreement and much to your surprise he punches you in the mouth, he breaks your jaw and shatters your teeth, he promises never to do it again; you forgive him and return to your blissful life with your dear heart, until this cycle repeats itself over and over. After the years of various broken bones, missing teeth and both internal/external injuries you finally leave this abusive relationship; unfortunately, the scars of your abuse have taken a toll on your face, body, and emotions.
?Domestic Violence can occur to anyone from all socioeconomical backgrounds, all educational levels, and all genders. While some survivors of Domestic Violence do experience physical harm inflicted by their partner, those impacted by it can experience other types of abuse as well.
?Domestic Violence is defined as a pattern of abuse that one romantic partner uses to maintain power or control over the other partner. The abuse comes in many forms such as: ?
???Physical (kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, hair pulling etc.).
???Emotional abuse (verbally belittling their partner, name calling, making their partner feel devalued etc.).
???Psychological (making threats or intimidation, threatening fear tactics to injure victim/child/family members/friends/harming pets etc.).
???Economical?(withholding/controlling their partners finances, preventing partner from working/making investments. Preventing partner from attending school).?
??Religious (prevents partner from participating in religious activities, forcing partner to practice abuser’s religious views/customs, etc.).
??Verbal (berating, criticizing etc.).
??Sexual assault/abuse (forced sexual contact, marital rape, forcing partner to stop/start the use of birth control methods etc.).
??Stalking (sends unwanted gifts, harasses/watches/videotapes/records his partner at work/at home/or in the community etc.).
??Death (the abuser intentionally kills his partner or the abuser’s violent behavior causes the death of his partner.)
The healing process of recovering from Domestic Violence can be physical, emotional, psychological, and financial; however, if a survivor wants to restore her beauty there are plastic surgeons that exclusively perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgery on Domestic Violence survivors like through the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc., Reconstructing Hope, and Victims of Domestic Violence Plastic Surgery Foundation. It is important to note, that all interested surgical candidates must be violence free for at least 12 months prior to receiving the surgery, candidates must be referred for services by a Domestic Violence counselor or other professional clinician, candidates must apply/qualify for the cosmetic/reconstructive procedure(s), candidates must submit pictures of their injuries sustained as a result of the Domestic Abuse, and candidates must review all the clinics qualifications and disclaimers.
Some of the surgeons offer their surgical skills for free while some providers accept other forms of payment, please review the full details for each clinic.
ü?*American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc:? AAFPRS is supported by multiple Domestic Violence agencies that endorse and financially contribute to this medical practice in order for patients to receive the services at no cost. The surgeons perform free cosmetic/reconstructive surgery on survivors of Domestic Violence that aren’t able to afford the surgery. https://www.aafprs.org/
ü?Reconstructing Hope:? The medical provider provides free cosmetic/reconstructive surgery to survivors of Domestic Violence that can’t pay out-of-pocket for the surgical procedure(s). https://www.reconstructinghope.org/
?ü?Victims of Domestic Violence Plastic Surgery Foundation:? The surgeons perform free cosmetic & reconstructive surgery on survivors of Domestic Violence that can’t afford the surgery. https://www.victimsofdomesticviolenceplasticsurgeryfoundation.com
?Please note that the *American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. outsources its cosmetic & reconstructive surgeons that volunteer their time and skills to perform surgery on Domestic Violence survivors; the survivor is responsible for investigating the credentials of the surgeon, and she has a choice of which surgeon(s) to consult.
In conclusion, the medical and Domestic Violence professionals care about your full recovery, the teams can provide you with counseling and the building blocks to help restore your body, beauty, and life.
e-Book- "It's Time to Go! How to Safely leave an abusive relationship... Discovering your Strengths, Self-Love, and Path to Recovery" Author: Shalisa L. Wall. https://books2read.com/u/mK6XxL
National Domestic Violence Hotline- If you or someone you know is in an abusive romantic relationship and needs resources, please call 1-800-799-7233. TTY 1-800-787-3224. Text- “START” to 88788. Open 24/7, 365 by call/text/chat (You can speak to representatives in English & Espanol). https://www.thehotline.org/
Futures Without Violence- Working to end violence against women and children around the world. https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org. (415) 678-5500.
Proverbs 3:15-18 ESV: “She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed.”
“How men can help end Domestic Violence”
*Please subscribe to my LinkedIn “Winning Every Wednesday” Newsletter, please share this article, and feel free to leave your comments & questions below, thank you. ???? ???????????
I am a lay person, my opinions and resources are not meant to replace legal, medical advice and professional advice; the resources are merely informative. Please note, I am not legally liable nor responsible for any legal, illegal actions or inactions, nor behaviors of any person in a civil or criminal manner as it pertains to your Domestic Violence situation and life circumstances. Please comply with all local, state, and federal laws/ordinances as it relates to your legal rights/laws. I implore you to consider seeking professional legal, contact Domestic Violence professionals and related supports. When leaving an abusive relationship, please always use sound judgement and plan accordingly based upon your personal situation, in emergency situations immediately call 911 or other legal authorities about your circumstances.
I hope the resources will be building blocks to help you in your healing journey. I too was a victim of Domestic Violence and more than 10 years later have successfully recovered. I created Shalisa’s Sisters so that all women could have a safe space to connect with other survivors, socialize, share resources, network, and not feel alone. *Remember, you deserve love and to be treated with dignity, honor, and respect. Thank you for your continued support.
Business Development executive (formulation scientist), LION over 14,500 connections
1 年wow that is great .... after being abused for over 20yrs it sure would be nice to feel some seft confidence we once had