Reclaim Your Life Through Healthier Thoughts
Today I want to speak to how our minds can either create disaster in our lives or bring us the best that life has to offer regardless of the outside circumstance.
I woke up to hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, Marrisa Peer speaking of how the words we say create our lives. When people say that their jobs are killing them - well, most likely they will find themselves suffering from some sort of illness because as Joe Dispenza has noted through his own work helping people heal from all sorts of chronic health issues from cancer to Parkinson's - our thoughts do indeed our reality.
Dr. Joe Dispenza was in a horrible bike accident injuring his back in many places. Instead of getting the back surgery that was suggested by 4 different surgeons he chose to believe in the innate ability of his body to heal. He is a chiropractor and as such this is a healing philosophy he would have. He was indeed able to think his body back to health and was able to go back to work in his clinic, but something had changed inside him leading him to study why people have spontaneous healings. He went to 17 countries interviewing a few hundred people to find 4 principles they had lived by.
1. They each believe that there was an intelligence that lived inside them that gave them life. They got connected to their essence - in the present.
2. They realized that is by the mismanagement of their emotions and dealing with the hormones of stress. They were always reacting to stress in everything that they were experiencing in life. They came to realize that they needed to turn off the rush of energy (stress) to a life they didn’t even like. Because by getting beyond past and emotions and the negative environment they were able to become greater than their circumstances and environment. They stopped reacting to the emotions. So, if you can’t think better than your thoughts from the past this means you are stuck in the past the body becomes conditioned to become their emotions 24/7/365. Dr. Bruce Lipton's work demonstrated that it is the environment that signals the genes. Thoughts that make you stressed turn on the genes that make you sick - so one has to shift to be uncomfortable - the unknown - to become greater than the body. They had to become conscious of how unconscious they were.
3. They had to become conscious of how they thought and how that created their bodily functions. They had to reinvent themselves based on the people that they respected and how to be in their new life to heal themself. They would close their eyes and think about doing something - mental rehearsing and with that practice, the brain will look like they have done whatever they have been rehearsing in their brain. The act of rehearsing whom they are going to be laid down the neurological wiring in the brain to lay down a new personality.
4. Living by a different emotion - not waiting for healing to feel joy and gratitude - the environment is being signaled by the emotion - restructuring the genes - and they reinvented themselves.
They were so involved in their own inner thoughts - they thought it was 20 minutes later - it was an hour and 20 minutes later - they were in the quantum field where all the info exists. It is the unifying field that changes everything in the world.
Learning: We all have the ability to shift from our negative thoughts - our addictions to the energy that comes from the release of cortisol and adrenaline bringing our lives back into balance and into health. However, to make that happen we need to become conscious of what we are thinking and shift it to positive outcomes. In fact, we can indeed think our futures into our present if we concentrate on that which we would like to have come into our lives. During last nights Zoom call with Bill Dennis and the amazing healthcare practitioners who were on there, I explained how hypnosis itself allows one to relax into the parasympathetic system bringing people into an altered state where the past events can be shifted to positive learnings releasing the negative thoughts and behaviors in very little time indeed. After the rest of the folks left, I explained to Bill Dennis himself that the reason that he came into my life when he did was that I had spent the previous month thinking about, writing about, meditating on, and self-hypnotizing myself to bring in the living and work situation that I wanted to be in next - and 'poof' he showed up with his offer to have me be a resident transformational healer and it seems a trainer as well at his retreat center in the Dominican Republic as many of the medical professionals on his calls do seem to be rather interested in that which I do. He had suggested I do training in hypnosis and NLP and I guess his wisdom is right on track. It seems I may be a bit busier there than I originally gathered - however, so long as it is fun and interesting I am definitely 'in.' So, you have the control of how you feel, your health, your living condition, your work situation and more, if you become conscious enough to let go of that which no longer works and instead focus on that which works much better for you.
NOTE: For anyone who has been successful at running group programs and is interested in learning the behind the scenes ways in which to best work with the hotel, best you get on the Zoom call with Bill Dennis who owns a holistic health hotel and resort, the Villa Serena in the Dominican Republic. That Zoom call is happening on Wednesday, May 19 at 4 pm Eastern time. Here is the link: