The Recipe For Life Weekly - Edition 13 - Disconnect to Reconnect

The Recipe For Life Weekly - Edition 13 - Disconnect to Reconnect

For many of my clients, when embarking on the journey of self-discovery, one thing that shows up time and again is that loss of self. Not all will admit it of course, simply because they don't know but losing yourself means you no longer know where you're headed.

When you lose sight of who you are, this can result in a feeling of confusion. Think being lost in the forest or strange country, with no map, no google (how did we ever survive!) and no idea where to go next. What many people do, faced with such a situation, is try and grab onto any tiny fragment that can be justified as their existence and worth. Usually, bits of their past, no matter how difficult, because that is all they know and so it becomes their security, something to clutch onto out of loyalty and desperation. It's far easier to stay connected to familiarity than allow yourself the freedom to let go and enter the unknown. This takes courage and for many, it is a scary place.

Disconnecting to reconnecting

Through my own trials and tribulations, I learned that in order to make leaps and bounds in my life, to make the changes I so desperately craved, I had to let go of a whole bunch of stuff that just wasn't serving my soul. I had to let go of trying to control everything in my life. I learned to look at the world through the eyes of a child. I relearned the skill of playful curiosity, and practiced giving myself permission to trust in others and the process of having faith in myself. I realised that, by disconnecting from the pain of the past, I could reconnect to my inner strength and find my purpose, my true being, who I desired to be and where I desired to go. This realisation was only possible through quieting my mind chatter and stopping the constant running, often in the wrong direction.

When you disconnect, it is not just switching off from the old you, but it's saying bye bye to the old habits, old thoughts. It's letting go of situations beyond your control, people that are not really interested in your wellbeing, work scenarios that are overwhelming and designed to cause stress and dissaray. The power of disconnecting is such, that you free yourself from the chains of your past, the feelings of lack and fear.

This opens a space for you to reconnect to your heart, your soul, your spirit. You receive inspirational thoughts, aha moments, that empower you to step forward and moving towards your future self, your life as you desire it to be. Disconnection and reconnection allow you the time to discover yourself and your future. To make a plan for this future and take the action to get there, without the interference of past and present events.

There is this beautiful quote that I read many years ago, when on a course of self-discovery, that has stayed with me and sums up the whole disconnection, reconnection phenomenon so perfectly. Everytime I read it I feel charged up and reignited. I hope it can do the same for you.

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.?

This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall.?

This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.” ? - Terence McKenna

Will you hurl yourself into that abyss today? What can you do to disconnect yourself from a space that no longer gives you joy or lifts you up? Isn't it time to reconnect to your true, pure, inner spirit. The one that loves life and knows there is so much more waiting for you? Take that leap of faith today, you never know where it might take you...

Sending love and light to you all, my beautiful friends. If you'd like to know more about my work in transformation and culinary coaching, using the power of cooking to guide you, then please do drop me an email to: [email protected]

#therecipeforlife #disconnect #reconnect #beyou #doyou #selfdiscovery #loveyou #loveyourself #youareamazing #beautywithin #betrue #love #trust #faith #courage #trust


