Any of these enumerated points and you will murder your GRE Score. Let’s understand, this exam rings a bell that its all about a voluminous Word List and one needs to use a rote method, a series of unread passages, a bulk of fill in the blanks and a Quant section that can be the face savior.
I agree with that LAST bit, yes GRE quant does not need any herculean effort, its straight, simple and students can glide through smoothly with a little self-prep.
Let me dispel the myth for the rest of it i.e, Verbal Reasoning.
- Reading & Comprehension of those passages from a wide array of topics drawn from the best scholastic works needs a different treatment. Hence if you thought reading a few articles from Newspapers will do the job. YOU ARE DIGGING YOUR OWN GRAVE.
- Those Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions are to check your ability to untangle convoluted arguments NOT your vocabulary. Yes, I Agree, vocab plays an IMP Role but your ROTE Technique wont yield much. SO, STOP MUGGING THAT LONG WORD LIST.
- Short RC passages based on Critical reasoning can’t be mastered. FALSE ! Practice with a defined method for short passages based on reasoning & can catapult your score to the next level.
- GRE needs a short prep. Its only 15-30 days is what you need to crack this exam. IT’S A HEARSAY. GRE prep needs minimum 3 Months if are looking for a good score.
- Cracked GRE with a Scores ranging from 315 to 320. You did not crack it. If your score was hovering around 80 percentile with 20% GRE takers ahead of you you are far far off the target. AIM FOR 330+ score, set the BAR HIGH. Its not impossible.
- My friend, consultant, relative etc. told me that xyz university is ok with a any score. Check the scores or the average GRE score for the intake in the different universities for the branch of your choice by visiting their respective websites. Any top university is looking for not only a HIGH Score but also a BALANCED score (160 plus in GRE Verbal and 167 plus in GRE quant).
- Get trained from the Best branded training house and you get trained by the best. Well! you can’t afford to be blind; the Indian Cricket Team can’t appoint an ace shuttler as its Coach. Check and choose your MENTOR wisely. Be very vigilant. Its NOT a test of Math and English. Its a life changing decision. A GOOD MENTOR CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY.
If you have any of those crazy ideas. Drop them right NOW.
Give your Best Shot. Good luck!!!