Recharging Your Personal Battery
Jason Heard
Leadership coach; Sales | Automotive | Process & Business Strategy Development
With Labor Day quickly approaching, this article is especially appropriate.
Ever get run down?? Tired in the sense that you are exhausted and drained in mind, body and emotionally?? All of us have been, and do get to that point.? The good news is that there are warning signs that we can notice as well as situations that no doubt perpetuate a drained battery.? Knowing that we need to recharge- and when- and beginning to notice the signs that indicate a charge is needed, can help all us function at a higher level more frequently, helping us do more of the things we want, need, enjoy and should be doing. And the answer is not an energy shot picked up at your local gas station. Understanding how to recharge and gaining control of your time will push you to a higher level in life.
Warning signs.? Are you overly tired from situations that you are normally not - or do you feel lethargic?? Do you simply feel mentally or emotionally drained?? Certainly, as we work hard and long for the life we want we will get tired at times.? Being self aware enough to know the difference between “I am tired and want to go to bed” and “I am drained and I am not functioning at the level I want and need to'' is imperative.? For me personally, when I get to the times where I can’t focus at my normal level; don’t wake up as early, or simply notice that I am not feeling as alive as I know I should, indicates to me that I need to recharge.? No doubt, you can identify with some of those as well as have other various symptoms that you may notice.? The important thing is to be able to realize it quickly, before needing to recharge becomes the need to take unexpected time off in the form of sick days.
How to recharge.? Again, this is something that you will need to explore and experiment with to see what works best for you.? Some items in the early stages you may try are:? nutrition, hydration, exercise and sleep.? As basic as it sounds, when life gets busy many of us skip sleep, eat on the go, and other things that don’t match up with doing what is needed to allow our bodies to run at its highest level.? Past these basics, things like taking a walk outside in the fresh air, reading a good book, turning off all devices, spending time with family and friends, resting, watching a great comedy, or finding a reason to celebrate are all options that may very well help you recharge.? Just like with warning signs, you simply need to work continually on self-awareness to experiment with what charges you up, what electrifies you.
Preventative.? In the near future I’ll have a blog on taking better control of your day and managing priorities, instead of managing time.? In a short form here, YOU must make YOU a priority.? Think about when you fly and are told that if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on first- then help the person next to you if they need help.? It is the same as not being able to pour from an empty cup.? There is not an option to NOT care for yourself if you want to give the most you can to others.? Finding small blocks of time on a daily basis where you can plug yourself in, add some charge to your battery, will absolutely assist you in staying on your game and at your best to thrive in life and enjoy every step of the journey.
Jason Heard, a 30 year leadership-experienced mentor and coach is the Founder of We Heard You- a company geared toward people who believe in the power of personal, professional and team growth leading to higher levels of accomplishment and success within businesses. Jason and his partner, Dani DiCapua have paired up to cover all needs required- Because a real Leader knows group success starts from within a single individual. Click the image for more.