Recent Presentations & Publications by Our Faculty (Issue 3, August 2023)
"Innovative Research and Teaching to Foster Positive Global Chance" (Our Stakeholder Value Proposition Motto)

Recent Presentations & Publications by Our Faculty (Issue 3, August 2023)

Recent Publications

Fortune, N., Hall, W., Chikhany, R., & Keene, K. (2023). A framework for facilitator actions in professional development that support mathematicians’ instructional change. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 33(9), 1055-1069.

Griffith, J. (2023). Reduce external tutoring by using videos in online college courses. Journal of Distance and Learning Administration, 25(1).

Higgins, D. (2023, June 28). Your genes aren’t your destiny: On Ann Leckie’s “Translation State.” [Book review]. The Los Angeles Review of Books. Online.

Procko, T., Ochoa, O., & Frederick C. (2023). Microelectronic technology and academic dishonesty: A review in light of Covid-19.?Proceedings of the ASEE TELPhE (American Society for Engineering Education - Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division).

Reed, Z., Tallman, A., & Ohertman, M. (2023). Assessing productive meanings in calculus. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 33(9), 939-964.

Rider, E. L., & Aydiner, C. (2023). Re-skilled and integrated? But, how? Examining conceptual challenges in the literature from the standpoint of highly educated Turkish migrants. Sociological Spectrum?(43).

Recent International Conference Panel

Siedschlag, A. (Convenor and Chair) (2023, July 18). Panel: The evolution of homeland and civil security policies internationally: Values vs. resilience? International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress. Buenos Aires.?

The panel explored how the adaptation and application of homeland and civil security policies in different regions, political cultures, and nations vary, to what extent shared and/or global values prevail, and how priority and value conflicts are resolved in order to achieve democratic, citizen-owned solutions to security and safety challenges emanating from a globalizing threat environment.?

Read the summary:

Recent Presentations

Ade, A. (2023, June 10). How can Communities of Practice be used to improve online teaching and learning? [20-Minute Mentor session]. 2023 Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Chang, R. (2023, June 21). Challenges in disaster planning and incident command. Invited?Speaker for the annual fire training series. New Taipei City Fire Department, Taiwan.

Chang, R. (2023, June 20). My research projects and grants. Invited Speaker for the ?Graduate School of Disaster Management, Central Police University, Taiwan.

Chang, R., & Sheach, C. (2023, June 5-7). The profession of emergency management around the world [Conference session]. 25th FEMA Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium, Emmitsburg, MD. United States.

Frederick, C., & Lew, V. (2023). Vitality and indoor spaces: How interior spaces affect well-being. Poster presented at the 8th International Conference for Self-Determination Theory, May 31- June 3, Orlando, Florida.?

Goss, K., Gayle, D. B., Velotti, L., Landahl, M., Chang, R., Feldmann-Jensen, S., & McEntire, D. (2023, June 5-7). Community impact [Conference session]. 25th FEMA ?Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium, Emmitsburg, MD. United States.

Higgins, D. (2023, June 24). On reverse colonization, alt-victimhood – David M. Higgins and Mark Soderstrom in Conversation [Podcast + YouTube Show Appearance]. The Saturday Bookshelf: A Project of the Shelter and Solidarity Collective. Online.

Lazzara, E., Frederick C., & Brown, H. (2023). Development of a team motivation scale. Poster presented at the 8th International Conference for Self-Determination Theory, May 31- June 3, Orlando, Florida.??

Marcham, C. (2023, June 7). Bioaerosols: Assessment and control [Conference presentation]. Safety 2023, San Antonio, TX.

Morse, D. (2023, June 5-9). Using Python to geo-locate medical linguistic repurposing by early modern London playing companies [Conference presentation]. Digital Humanities Summer Institute - Fundamentals of Programming for Human(s/ists), Victoria, BC, Canada.?

Morse, D. (2023, June 12-16). A digital humanities approach to understanding post-feminist sexism in MMO gaming lobbies: How building immersive narratives in Twine give voice to the “girl gamer” experience [Conference presentation]. Digital Humanities Summer Institute - Digital Storytelling, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Morse, D. (2023, June 8). The long industry failure of shared-shooter gaming: How the re-emergence of single-player RPGs underscore the importance of complex narrativity in digital storytelling [Conference presentation]. Southwest Popular Culture Association Summer Salon, Virtual.?

Procko, T., Ochoa, O., & Frederick C. (2023, June 25-28). Microelectronic technology and academic dishonesty: A review in light of Covid-19. Paper presented at the ASEE TELPhE (American Society for Engineering Education - Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division), Baltimore, Maryland.

Roberts, D. [Imagine Learning Channel] (2023, July 12). Why are we so fascinated by dystopian fiction? [Video]. YouTube.

Velez, M., Morris, J., & Chasteen, N. (2023, June). Improving access and inclusion in online writing across the disciplines: The role of writing centers. Presented at the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson, SC.

Wood, B. (2023, June). Teaching statistics from primary source documents. U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA.

Meet Our Authors and Presenters

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Students as well as industry and enterprise partners benefit from the experience and expertise of Embry-Riddle Worldwide | College of Arts & Sciences faculty members who are passionate and highly qualified leaders in their disciplines, fields, and/or mission space.

What further differentiates us is the extent of their diverse backgrounds and commitment to a comprehensive and global perspective. Because the College encompasses such vast subject matter, faculty are well-rounded enough to teach specialized as well as core learning concepts that are applicable to various degree programs.

Our faculty come from aviation, military, mathematics, science, homeland security and emergency management, public safety, political science, public administration, humanities, communication and social sciences backgrounds. They are critical thinkers who have made a footprint in their field and have a strong desire and qualification to share their knowledge.?

Learn more about our productive faculty members.

Our Online Degree Programs

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"Why not Study with the Leaders?" Embry-Riddle Worldwide | College of Arts & Sciences Online Degree Programs

Why not pursue one of our online degree programs? -- Read our new program portfolio brochure?Curiosity is What Drives Us?and visit our recently updated?official website. You can also browse our?2023-24 course catalog. Learn from research-active, mission-space experienced and productive faculty.

The Embry-Riddle Worldwide | College of Arts & Sciences conducts basic, applied and translational research, and engages in creative work; it provides mentored research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. In doing so, it fosters unique and innovative disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, approaches and applications to STEM, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and comprehensive civil security studies that have a societal impact. Furthermore, the Embry-Riddle Worldwide | College of Arts & Sciences serves as a hub for education, research and engagement with government and industry in security and resilience, and builds focus areas in fields such as humanistic STEM and data science.

(From the Embry-Riddle Worldwide | College of Arts & Sciences?Mission Statement.)


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