Recent new apps on phpFox: Saved Items, Reactions & Feed Status Background
Hi all,
We would like to summarize our recent app releases which you could utilize to engage your users:
Saved Items
Let's imagine that you have read a fantastic blog or seen a very interesting video/photo on the online community site. Then you may like to visit those items again or share them with your friends now. You may have many difficulties when looking for them due to many similar items on your social network. With Saved Items app, everything becomes much more convenient to users. People can save and organize what they love on your site from now.
gives users more options to show their emotions instead of just Like. In particular, by using Reactions app, users now can conveniently show their feelings on user status, a comment or a user item (blog, event, etc.) with very-familiar Like or other reactions of Angry, Sad, Haha (Fun), Love, Wow (Surprised). More than that, the administrator could replace them with your own new reactions.
Feed Status Background
Text statuses with a normal white background may be boring to users. People always love making their special, personalized and eye-catching status posts. This is what the Feed Status Background app brings to your phpFox sites. With this app, users will be able to create their personal statuses easily with colorful backgrounds. The feed becomes more attractive and joyful to users.
We hope that these additional apps help to differentiate your social media network, customer community, online community or niche social network easily. If you need any help build your social network, feel free to contact us.
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