Receiving messages from my Higher Self
Linda Lange
Change & Energy Coach ??Learn how to make the right changes in your life to feel joyful & energized again
After my decluttering vlog where I talked about how I got a message from my higher self to declutter my body image and my wardrobe, I was asked all kinds of questions like
My experience with my higher self
So that is what this episode is all about. I am going to share my experience with my higher self over the last 18 months. That’s when I became more aware of it and received my first clear message from my higher self.
I am going to share as well what I have learned about the process of receiving messages from the higher self. I am the kind of person that will go and research and learn all about something that I am excited about. So I collected knowledge, opinions and other people’s experience over the last 1.5 years to form a better picture for myself.?
And that is what this truly is: my opinion and my view. This is how I experienced it so far but it can be different for you. I believe that the path to connecting with your higher self is a unique one – as unique as each one of us is.?Let my story just be one piece of information that can help you on your journey. Because your experience will be different – we just all have the same goal.?
My understanding of messages from my higher self
Let me set the scene first with a couple of things:
My 1st clear message from my higher self
The first time I received a clear message from my higher self was on a beach in Marco Island, Florida during a walking meditation at one of Dr Joe Dispenza’s week-long retreats. And the message I received was: Write a book.
It was not as random as it might sound. I did ask for an answer to a question and that is one of the?first pieces of advice?that I have for you.?If you want to receive messages from your higher self, ask a question.?Ask them a question and then be open to receiving an answer. But don’t think you get it soon. It might take a while or it might come in the next hour. Every time it’s different.?
So I asked the question of what I should be doing when I go home after the retreat. By that time I nearly finished the 6-week travel that I did after I left my corporate career and I asked for a sign on what I should be concentrating on when I go home. The answer was: Write a book!
And I did. A few weeks after I was back home, I set down and wrote a book. It took me just 6 weeks and then it was mostly done. Have I ever published the book, no. I believe it was more of a therapeutic writing of a book. It was for my personal development journey to write it all down.?
But that was the first clear message that I ever identified coming from my higher self.
Since that time, I believe I got some other messages especially when in walking meditations and at retreats but it was never anything that really stuck in my mind or that I can tell you about. So I will just jump ahead to the next more impactful time where I got messages.
Receiving messages better when I am outside of my routine
This time I was on holiday with my husband in Crete. And yes, I did ask a question before I went and I asked for it to be answered during the holiday. I guess this is my?second piece of advice?or rather a tip and mostly just from my own experience. The first few times I received messages from my higher self were?when I was away from home and not in my usual routine.?
That is not the case now anymore, now I feel well connected as well at home but it worked better for me at the beginning when I was out of my usual routine. Given my experience maybe you want to make a conscious choice and try it out. Next time you travel, maybe even just for a weekend, ask a question and ask to receive a sign or an answer while you are gone.?
Receiving messages via dreams
So that time around was different in that I did not receive a clear message during meditation or even when I was awake. I received it via dreams. The first time it happened, I woke up from the most horrific dream I ever had in my life. It took me a while to calm myself down and get over the shock of what happened in that dream.?
But after about 20 or 30 minutes I felt better and I remembered something Dr Joe said before: He does not worry too much about what the experiences in dreams are but rather how it makes him feel. That is the message for him to look closer.?
So that’s what I did. I looked at the emotions that I felt in the dream and after feeling into the emotion another emotion came up which was guilt.?And with that emotion a memory from my childhood. It was a voice that told me things that I must have incorporated as a child to be true and through that, the guilt was locked inside me.?
Messages can be emotions instead of words
I had a few other revelations about the emotion of guilt and limiting beliefs that I felt my subconscious had that were in line with me feeling guilty so many times in my life.?
Long story short, I was able to process the emotion and was able to remove a huge chunk of it from my subconscious mind due to the message I received through my dream. And something similar happened just 2 days later with another dream and an emotion linked to it.?
So?advice number 3?that I have for you from my own experience is to?observe emotions from your dreams and see them as messages to look closer. Try to be with the emotion once you become aware and ask your higher self what it wants to release or tell you. Then sit or lie in silence to let memories, voices or new messages come through. It’s not the easiest work to go through but for me, it has been very powerful.
Messages coming quicker now
The most recent messages that I received from my higher self were in the last couple of months. There have been about 4 in 2 months, so it’s speeding up. For me, it means I am getting better at listening and coming closer to my higher self to receive more messages.
One was the message I talk about in?the Decluttering Vlog. If you want to know more watch that video. And I received this message in a walking meditation while being on a walk with our dog.
And the last message I received was in meditation lying down. I was not even actively meditating. I believe I just finished a meditation but felt not ready yet to get up, so I lay down and played some music. I was deeply relaxed when this message popped into my head.
Receiving messages during a meditative state
Before I share with you what that message was about, let me cover?advice number 4?as this is about the state of being that works well for me to receive messages from my higher self.?As you can already guess, it’s about being in a meditative state.?
So far I received most messages either through a walking meditation or in my dreams. But the most recent was just being in a meditative state, so not even actively going through a guided meditation.?
Maybe in the future, I might even be able to receive messages outside of meditation. I am sure that this is what I am moving towards. But if you are getting started, then please use something to bring yourself into a meditative state.?
I created a guided meditation for you to use so you can drop into this meditative state easily and then be able to ask questions and practice your listening skills. Head over to my YouTube channel where you can find it in the?Guided Mediation Playlist: Higher Self Meditation.
My most recent message and the consequence
Back to my most recent message from my higher self. As background to this message, I planned to go to the next Dr Joe weeklong retreat here in Europe this summer. And I had lots of friends that wanted to come to. If you are into Dr Joe and his retreats you know that they get booked out in a matter of minutes. So we were all ready to book our ticket as quickly as possible when registration opens to make sure we get to go. I even booked already my hotel room months earlier to get the best location for the event.
One day before the registration opened I was in a meditative state on my sofa, chilling and letting my mind rest when suddenly I got the message: No, Linda, you are not going to the event.
And I was like: What? What kind of ludicrous thought is that? Of course, I am going. Why would I not?
I know to better listen to these messages
But by now I know not to fight these messages or try to go against them. While lying there I had my analytical mind fighting against that message, coming up with all of these reasons why it s a nonsense thought that we are not going to listen to. And after a while, I used a technique called muscle test to check if this message was from my higher self or if it was nothing and I should ignore it.
And well, you can guess that I got confirmation that this was a message from my higher self. And then I got a follow-up message: Linda, if you don’t believe this, please, go ahead and register for the event. You will see that you will need and want to cancel everything shortly beforehand because you are meant to do something different that week. But please go ahead and don’t listen, but it will be a headache to cancel everything last minute.?
Isn’t the higher self hilarious? I love it!
Well, what did I do? At that moment, I listened and made the decision not to go and not even register for it. And as you can imagine when telling people the reason why I am not going anymore, everyone wanted to learn more about me receiving messages from my higher self.
How can you receive messages from your higher self?
Now the?last piece of advice?that I have for you today is the answer to the question: How do I know if this is a message from my higher self? How is it to receive such a message?
This is a mix of what I have learned through others as well as my experience:
1 – Messages don’t have to make sense
Messages come to me like thoughts but they do make not much sense. I know that they are not from me because my conscious mind would never think that thought. It seems to come from nowhere and it can make you go: Haeh? What? What just happened??
And like I said, these messages feel illogical to us, they do not need to make sense. They can, but more often than not, it baffles me. And that’s great because that way I know that this was not my conscious me coming up with the thought but that it’s coming from somewhere else.
2 – You can receive messages in various ways
I receive my message like a thought but it feels like somebody around me just talked to me. Someone very close energetically. But the way to receive messages can vary a lot. For me, it feels like a knowing rather than a fleeting thought. But for you, it can appear totally different.?
It could come to you as a voice you hear, maybe even someone you know like a relative that passed away. Or you see words in your mind. Or you could feel other sensations that mean something to you. So don’t be fixed on what others are saying or experiencing. It might be you are listening and receiving messages already, you just don’t see them as messages from your higher self because they look different to what others share.
3 – Higher Self Messages vs. Monkey Mind Messages
When I receive a message the voice, even if it’s not really a voice, is calm, content, and very centered. The messages are always very straight to the point without any emotional baggage. It feels very matter of fact and I feel this deeper knowing that this is true and not just a weird thought that I just had. And it’s good to understand that because you want to distinguish it from your mind’s voice.?
Lots of people struggle with identifying if a thought that pops into their mind is from the higher self or the monkey mind. The difference for me is that the monkey mind is very dramatic, its loud and has lots of emotions with it. It sounds more like a child throwing a tantrum and pulling all the cards to make a point until you accept it. Whereas a message from the higher self is very calm, centred and quiet but with a strong and confident tone. I hope this makes sense. It probably does when you experience it for yourself.
I hope all of what I shared with you about my own personal journey with my higher self will help you to begin to receive your own powerful messages from your higher self.?
And of course, I will keep you updated when I find out what I am rather supposed to be doing in 2 months instead of going to that retreat. That still is in the unknown for me but I am excited to find out.