Receiving Feedback – A Forever Skill
Sue Anderson
Cultivating Feedback Fitness for Leaders and Teams - Speaker, Trainer, Author
I love the new book by Kieran Flanagan and Dan Gregory,?‘Forever Skills – The 12 skills to future proof yourself, your team and your kids’.??
Check out their book?here .
They list the essential 12 forever skills:
The 13th Skill:
When you begin to master these 12 skills, I believe you can add one more: the skill of asking for and being open to receiving feedback.
The individuals I coach who are inspired, courageous and open to receiving feedback for growth have the ability to ask for it rather than avoid it.
Typically, they:
How well developed is your 13th Forever skill in asking for and receiving feedback?
Real Project Leadership | Project Recovery Specialist | Business Transformations | Advisor, Coach, Facilitator, and Author | Creator of The Project Ecosystem?
2 个月I too have the book “forever skills” and often refer to it. Love you adding feedback as a skill - asking for and being open to receiving feedback. Without it we do not grow.