Receiving each day as a sacred gift
Sue Heatherington @ The Waterside

Receiving each day as a sacred gift

Here we are, at the end of our two-week wander with John O’Donohue’s blessing For Presence.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

And I am particularly conscious of the timing of these words.

Here we are at the end of summer (or winter if you are in the south).

Tomorrow marks the start of a new season, and we are already seeing whispers of its presence in the trees as more leaves start to turn colour.

I also sense that for many of us, it heralds a fresh season in our lives.

So it’s even more essential to receive the gifts of each day that passes.

And these words of John O’Donohue also have an embedded consciousness of time.

This was the last book he published, and based on others' comments, it was a significant work for him.

And what became his last interview, with Krista Tippett for the On Being podcast , is beloved not only for its content but also for his memory.

No one expected him to die suddenly in his sleep while on vacation in France at the age of 53 in early 2008.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

Perhaps it is also appropriate to finish this series with the words of another beloved poet, Mary Oliver, from her poem The Summer Day:

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

Each day, let us choose well.

Pause. See differently. Re-story…

This week

We have continued to walk with John O’Donohue’s blessing For Presence. Again, the full version of the text is in the post for Monday. It is from the book Benedictus: A Book of Blessings , published by Bantam Press in 2007 and also available on Kindle.

A few good words

Having spent the last two weeks in the company of John O’Donohue, it seems fitting to suggest listening to his memorable conversation with Krista Tippet: The Inner Landscape of Beauty .


