Recaps and resolutions.

Recaps and resolutions.

From AI developments to consumer habits, 2024 was full of changes for the marketing and advertising industry. As we look ahead to 2025, we’re anticipating an exciting array of trends that will shape strategies for the year to come.

TLDR: TLDR: We’ve covered a lot of ground in The Bolt this year — and we have more in store for you in 2025. Let’s recap and look forward to some trends you can keep an eye out for.

Here’s a run-down on everything we learned in 2024:

?Google’s ongoing decision to phase-out third party cookies became a hot topic, representing just one part of a broader shift in targeting methods.

?After multiple decades of purpose-driven ads dominating the industry, brands tapped into their audience’s funny bone, using absurdism, sarcasm, and good ol’ broad humor to break through.

?As AI became more intertwined with video productions, conversations popped up around transparency and how creators should use this tool within the shifting landscape.

?Marketers moved beyond uniform campaign messaging and saw major results through curated messaging and reach strategies.

?As social algorithms evolve, marketers ditched the one-size fits all approach for KPIs and performance measurement.

SEO strategies evolved alongside AI developments as AI entered the SEO content creation process and created a conversational search experience.

The Paris 2024 Olympics set the stage for B2B partnerships, contextual campaigns, and a product-first mindset.

?B2B brands moved towards a more H2H (aka Human-to-Human) approach with humor, emotional storytelling, and consistency.

AI optimized the media landscape using ad placement, channel strategy, and consumer trend spotting.

As rising costs haunted brands, it became important for them to lean into multiple touchpoints, valuable loyalty programs, and personalized experiences for every stage of the consumer journey.

?And lastly, marketers began to prepare for changes brought on by the 2024 election, such as a shift in digital ad inventory and ever-changing regulations.

With 2024 behind us, we turned to a few of Ammunition’s leaders for predictions on what they expect to come next in 2025.

“As AI continues to automate more steps and repeat creative tasks, applying a thin glaze of sameness to things - brands that nail stand-out insights and killer execution will win big.” - Alex Russell, Chief Creative Officer

“With users increasingly desensitized to traditional media placements like digital banners and social ads, we anticipate seeing more risk in campaigns (through humor or shock value) and interactive experiences to truly capture a user’s attention and make a lasting impact with the brand.” - Kelly Heilpern, Chief Strategy Officer

“2025 will be the year businesses globally embrace streamlined processes, particularly in advertising. I predict we'll see the entire ad creation cycle — from concept to delivery — happen faster, transforming how we approach timelines and production.” - Jonathan Hayes, Executive Video Director

Digital products will continue to become more personalized and inclusive, using AI to make customization an easy process and experience. - Emily Griffin, Director of Product Design

Evolving online threats will keep cybersecurity at the forefront, which means technology teams will be focused on ensuring these advancements are implemented responsibly.” - JC Hamill, Chief Technology Officer


  • Event marketers planned to attend an average of 12.5 national trade shows in 2024, down from 14 in 2023 (Source: Statista).
  • In 2024, nearly 60% of Google searches resulted in zero clicks, primarily because of AI-generated overviews and other snippets displayed directly in search results (Source: Search Engine Land).
  • In a 2024 global survey of marketers, 83% cited increased exposure as a key motivation for social media marketing, while 65% highlighted lead generation (Source: Statista).


Media Coordinator, Jackie Mauro, celebrated her 2-year Ammoversary.

Executive Video Director, Johnathan Hayes, shared his expertise on the MyTogBlog podcast.

The Ammunition team launched the agency's first-ever holiday album. This year, we're introducing Ammunition: The Band, using AI to produce the album right from the Atlanta office.



