Californians should vote No on the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom.?He has done a reasonable job under unprecedented circumstances and an anti-mask, anti-vax Republican becoming Governor of this diverse state is unthinkable.?None of the alternatives could do the job as well as Newsom, and besides he has demonstrated courage, compassion and vision. As San Francisco Mayor he began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.?Although stopped by the California Courts, his courageous actions contributed strongly to the national movement leading to marriage equality a few years later. As Governor, Newsom shows up at disaster scenes, homeless programs, schools, in the community, and thereby demonstrates that he cares.?He has articulated a vision of a more just and equitable society with his legislative and budget agendas. He has also owned up to mistakes. In the French Laundry incident, he took the blame and apologized.?Unlike some politicians, he didn’t minimize his mistake, he didn’t try to pass the blame, and he didn’t play victim.?We can live with that.?Keeping the Governor who wants California to be a better place for all of us is the only path forward.