Recalibrating Knowledge Management using Digital Simulations
Jackie Brown
Change Management | HR Transformation | Leadership Development | Learning Organisation Design
Unlocking the Power of Verifiable Skills Data:
In today's dynamic and ever expanding business environment, effective knowledge management is crucial. Information overload, misinformation or simply not being able to access the information required at the point in time where problems being solved need intelligence are everyday encounters.??
Leading organizations like Citi and Sonova recognize the value of robust systems to manage and share knowledge across global teams. Engineering systems to accommodate and expand for human utilization means that we have to architect in a way that adheres to universal design principles, cuts through information seeking tendencies that rely on short cuts and quick fixes and can become truly searchable.
One challenge remains: how do you uncover what you don't know within your organization that is important to know without wasting time, effort and resources to codify irrelevant information?? AI is certainly transforming the shape of how this question is answered and remembering that people are still making judgements and decisions so having a close to the point of decision and action data can help us understand what translates into workable solutions for perplexing problems that come closer and closer together in this complex world of work.
I am looking forward to the Knowledge Summit Dublin next week as some of the topics aim to dig deep into this age old question.?
Enter verifiable skills data and advanced simulations and ETU . These innovations offer a transformative approach to knowledge management, engineering pathways through enterprise knowledge that are both efficient and insightful. We work with organizations like IBM, Capgemini & Merck who are harnessing this enabling technology to save time, money and improve the efficiencies between capacity and capability balancing.?
Simulations provide immersive, real-life experiences that not only train employees but also generate actionable data on skills application. This data is invaluable for several reasons:
For seasoned professionals in knowledge management, the implications are profound. Imagine being able to coordinate global knowledge initiatives with a clear, data-driven understanding of your workforce's skills. Simulations provide a robust framework for this, enabling you to lead strategies that are informed by real-world performance.
Moreover, verifiable skills data enhances traditional knowledge management roles. For instance, in roles focusing on content management and migration, simulations can provide clarity on which skills are most critical, thereby informing decisions on content prioritization and migration strategies. Similarly, in CRM and intranet management, understanding skill applications can help tailor user experiences to better support employee needs.
For those leading knowledge management programs, the integration of simulations represents a significant leap forward. By providing a platform that mimics real-life challenges, you not only foster a culture of continuous improvement but also ensure that your talent development strategies are aligned with actual work cycles and organizational needs.
This innovation is valuable because it bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. It transforms knowledge management from a static repository of information into a dynamic, living system that actively contributes to organizational success.
Leveraging verifiable skills data through simulations can revolutionize your approach to knowledge management and the key to what qualifies it as verifiable is where your perspective is important.?
My favourite definition of learning is "the generation of knowledge through the transformation of experience" - David Kolb. Kolb is renowned for his work on experiential learning theory, which emphasizes that knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. This theory is often depicted in Kolb's learning cycle, which includes concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Knowledge management ecosystems enable critical access to scaffolds to support learning as people tackle problems real time and for me enabling technology now allows for learning spaces to become a liminal space that is closer to work in authentic practice scenarios but can use the bread crumbs of data from the lived experience to route and channel access to and generation of enterprise know how.
?Simulations can offer a pathway to uncovering unknowns within your organization, aligning talent development with real-world demands, and ultimately driving business performance.?
We invite you to explore this innovative approach further and see how it can be integrated into your knowledge management strategy and look forward to meeting everyone in person next week?