Rec-Collect-ing Part 2: Carlton
William Harrell
Follower of The Way. Descendant of Yashar’el and Yahudah. Youngest son of William Collins. Teacher/Coach.
You introduced me to
The Westside
When all my life
I was a Eastside
Gresham Park boy
Helped me with my
Newfound "freedom"
Of being able to go
Places by walking or
By Marta, but having
No homies that I grew up
Not seeing my extended
Family for months
On end I thought mom
Moving in with my
Stepdad was the end
But it was truly the
Beginning of Privileged
Solitude; Beneficial Isolation
Where video games,
Pizza, and cable kept me
Going everywhere and
You were an outside kid,
So I didn't see you much
Unless we were headed
To or from school
Sometimes we caught
The yellow bus
Other times we walked
Home from the Marta
Train station; I'll never
Forget that day we
Both walked together
Towards home from
Marta one evening
We were talking about
Wrestling and Steve Austin
When three boys in
All black rolled up
Who we both didn't
Recognize but they
Knew me...
Or at least they knew of cousins were
Moving work and I
Was going to be a transporter
But I moved out of Flintwood
Before that happened
It didn't matter to them
Because what happened was
I was hooked, beat, and robbed
By these three guys
Who didn't like my cousins
Too much
And Carlton got the same treatment,
I remember laying on my
Back after they went
Through my bag and
Found nothing but notebooks,
Textbooks and homework
So I found myself staring
Into a silver barrel
With the threat of it
Being the last thing I
Will see,
When a black caddy pulls up
And scoops my potential
Killers up, driving off
My boy Carlton said,
"I will get them back",
Not knowing how much it
Would cost.
I never saw him again;
He went MIA two days later
Had friends who told me
He was found next week
In a dumpster at 13 years old.
I was too afraid to comprehend;
He was shot up and dumped
And I was spared
But I had the kinfolks
And there was no news story
And I didn't talk to my fam
Or my friends, so I didn't
Know how to go to the
Just another stat in the ATL
So it was water under
The bridge-
Blood under the trash-
Pain under my heart-
I stayed inside more
Than ever, and I
Kept to myself as
I was still dealing
With what I found to
Be an abusive stepdad
Who was a drug dealer
When he saw me beat up
He kept me from my
Mom for almost a week,
Cleaned me up,
And introduced me to boxing,
Which I did for 3 weeks
Before quitting;
I was beaten enough
Verbally from him
And emotionally from
Knowing he was beating
My mom physically.
Carlton, I'd etched you
Out of my memory
For years;
Even forgetting your name,
If it really is Carlton...
I see your goofy smile
While I'm sitting at
Monkey Joes watching
Evan jump in a Depot,
Except I saw it when
I was 1st 13, and now
When I am 31...
Live In Peace, homie...
-J. Doeson
Sales Representative at Lord Please Bless Me A Good Job. AMEN !
7 年God works in amazing ways, 1331 RIP