(Note:? As in my previous response/comments, this is to clarify that it is not an article but this space has been used to write a detailed response countering the arguments made in Stephen Sargeant's publicly aired video he shared with me yesterday – Nov 30, 2023).?


Never Forget Three Types of People in Your Life:

  1. Those Who Helped You in Difficult Times
  2. Those Who Left You in Difficult Times
  3. Those Who Put You in Difficult Times


??Stephen Sargeant - Thanks for taking the time to respond via video to my comments that I had written in the space provided for articles as the character field in LinkedIn for "Replies" is rather limited, i.e., only 1,500 characters.??

For appropriate reference and context, the following may please be referred to: It should be able to show exchange of comments between ourselves within the timeframe of November 24-30 in response to your post of circa November 12, 2023.? These also appear chronologically as Annexes-A to G underneath this write-up for immediate reference.

Before I can rebut, please note that among the options to access your video, it states “Muted” against your name.? I tried to change it to “unmute” but was not able to do so, though I am not sure why.? Perhaps, you can look into it as an expert LinkedIn techie.? Anyway, as for the video, I was able to watch it fully. Regarding the comments underneath the video recording – 49 of them – I was not able to see/access them; it could be some issue at my end.? I was able to go through some comments on the right side of the video.?

First off, in your video you keep referring to my detailed comments of November 26 as an “article” despite the pains that I took to explain in the preamble to those comments that it was NOT an article.? Further in your video, you describe it as an article on or about you!? In your non-stop monologue (also in the title of your video), you accuse me of calling you out.? Apparently, the attention to detail required for paralegals has eluded you, especially since the time you pivoted to the profession of a content producer.? Or in your intoxication with success, your ability to concentrate properly has taken a leave of absence.?

It looks like that in your rabid urge to extract revenge from me, you have lost all common sense and are behaving like a mad elephant. But revenge for what?? Seriously, I think you grossly misunderstood my comments all along.? Let’s try to parse some parts of our exchange of comments starting with what you had originally posted (reposted by Amanda Wick) a couple of weeks ago.? My thoughts were based on and confined to your post, not Amanda’s re-post.?

After appreciating (and rightly so), your benefactors for the favors they had done to you or the chances they had provided for you to further your career, you had listed a number of non-exhaustive suggestions or professional tips for those who were in positions to help the newcomers, particularly in the field of Compliance.? These suggestions included, among others, inviting them or providing them opportunities to attend events/conferences, and publicly appreciating their contribution, etc.? For such initiatives mentioned by you, I had commended the efforts made by Souzan Esmaili and Joseph Iuso in general and in my case in particular.?? However, without naming anyone, I had expressed my disappointment with some others who had not been helpful and, in fact, oozed arrogance. I did not accuse you of any unbecoming conduct.? In fact, based on what I had read in your post, I genuinely appreciated you.? In doing so, I jokingly remarked that it might also have been luck and your personal charm (a compliment) that had worked.? I even used an emoji (??) so you would not misconstrue the lighter side of my remarks!?

Furthermore, when I received your response stating that my comments had kept you awake during the night, I got concerned, apologized to you and clarified that it was not my intention to upset you.? I elaborated on my allusion to some people (un-named), reiterating that my views about them could be different from what others may think.? Again, there was nothing against you in those comments.? ?However, if you hold a brief against me on behalf of some un-named people to destroy me, then please be transparent about it, rather than beating about the bush.?

The two elements in my comments that seem to have blown your fuse out of proportions are “luck” and addressing some un-named people as "insecure, arrogant, hypocritical, and egotistical".? You are fixated at them, though I had not directed these references at you (but your video has led to changing my opinion about you and bracketing you with such people).? Let me state it again – insecure, arrogant, hypocritical, egotistical!?

Clearly, due to your knee-jerk reaction, you failed to notice that I had actually agreed with you that “luck” was not the entire or whole factor behind anybody’s success and then I had gone on to explain what I had meant with luck (gave some examples as well, which clearly did not cut any ice with you).? To espouse my point, I referred you to a couple of articles – an idea that you just pooh-poohed, cementing my judgement about your presumptuous personality (based on your filthy, disgusting performance in the video).?

The above summary adequately encapsulates your main points of unnecessary and uncalled-for contention.? Now, let me take my kid gloves off and give you a little bit of a taste of your own medicine.

1.???? What do YOU know about the un-named people in my post?? Why do you have to know about them?? You seem to have confidently presumed that they are in your circle of benefactors.? What entitles you to make such a presumption?? In your harangue against me, you have even made at least one oblique reference to a person without caring to confirm with me!? How could you, as a former para-legal and a current content producer/speaker/entertainer/consultant/crypto specialist (and what not?) be such an irresponsible and reckless person?? The un-named persons could very well be outside the orbits of TCAE, CMSBA or yours.? How do you know they are or are not a part of these circles?? If you don’t know their names, you are acting like a fool defending some figments of YOUR (not my) imagination, unless you are a saint or a guardian angel or Batman responsible for defending not only known knowns but unknown knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns (to borrow and adapt from Late Donald Rumsfeld’s famous words – God bless his soul)!?


2.???? Adjacent to the above point, you have alluded to the possibility of anyone within the larger population sample of “un-named” people to start (mis)construing or apprehending that they were the actual targets of my criticism, i.e., everyone could perceive that they were among those who I had labelled as arrogant, hypocritical, etc.? I think if there are some specific people who feel guilty of such behavior, then I cannot help it.? Everyone doesn’t feel insecure or is not arrogant or is not hypocritical or egotistical.? However, if somebody fits that description, and sees their own image in it, then perhaps they should do some serious introspection. ?To reiterate, all or some of these people may not necessarily be in your circle/network.? How can you allege something about which you are not sure?? ?Please be careful!? ?


3.???? You are not so important that I would write an “article” about you but just to allay your apprehensions, amplify my point of view, and assuage your concerns (sleepless night), I took the painstaking initiative of writing a detailed response which you do not even seem to have read properly.? Thank goodness, you did not refer to it as a dissertation!?


4.???? You mocked in the video that I have not much to show in terms of LinkedIn (LI) activity and written only “16” articles in a long time.? Actually, it is even less than 16 articles as a couple of them were detailed comments, not articles, as the “reply” field in LI could accommodate only 1,500 characters (for the same reasons as in this and the earlier write-up to respond to your comments).? I guess you must have written hundreds of them!? No?? Why not?? Oh, you “judged” that since I have claimed to have all the time in the world, I should utilize it in writing articles!? In this case, your assumption must have been that I don’t have any other interests, pursuits, or activities other than surfing LI, 24/7/365.? By the way, you have missed hundreds of my posts, comments, responses, sharing of other activities (talks, presentations, webinars, etc., on GRC matters) which I have been putting up on LI.? As for cultivating contacts with people in the industry too, I have not done bad contrary to your observation.? But you are a prisoner of your tendency to jump to conclusions!?


5.???? Sense of humor – Though you “made fun of” (pun intended) of my sense of humor or the lack of it, you could not take it when I complimented you for your personal charm, despite my flagging it with an emoji of smiley. Perhaps, you were not able to comprehend it in your breathless quest to humiliate me.? To be sure, I enjoy subtle, decent humor, not the terribly distasteful, loud, derogatory and crass sense of humor that you amply displayed in your “comedy show” video!? You and your fan club may enjoy your humor but please don’t expect me to appreciate it as it is my right to like and dislike whatever I feel appropriate.? Please keep your putrid humor to yourself and your admirers.?


6.???? You took a pot shot at English not being my first language, not knowing anything at all about the educational system and the institutions in Pakistan. Good or bad, one of the legacies of being a former British colony is that English, for all intents and purposes (as a former para-legal, you should know what that means), is an official language, i.e., used in offices and most educational institutions of Pakistan and, along with Urdu, in many social circles.? I don’t expect you to speak the “King’s English” as somebody born in Canada but expect you to articulate in decent English instead of “street-level” English with words like “Damn” and “Piss off”, liberally interspersing your conversation (as evidenced in the video shown through a professional platform like LI).? I am sure you had a hard time suppressing the utterance of four-letter/swear words.? Right? ?Don’t be bashful.


7.???? Passive-aggressiveness – Though you allege it against me, you have conveniently ignored the number of times you have been guilty of it during your comedy show.? You make a conciliatory or an appreciative comment, and then – immediately – hit me with a pugnacious remark!? How would you characterize your own behavior?? If this is not being passive-aggressive, then I don’t know what is.? I hope you understand this point clearly though.? You may want to listen to your discourse again (and again, if needed, lest you still don’t understand).


8.???? One thing I was not able to observe clearly was if there was froth coming out of your mouth while you were speaking like a maniac; otherwise, your body language, tone, and incoherence emitted all the signs of being a rabidly vindictive person blinded by hatred against me for no rhyme or reason!?


9.???? Selfishness – You attributed some of my sentences to selfishness, for example, “I am perhaps too much of a straightforward person…” or “I am still struggling….”, and some others.? Nothing could be farther from the truth because all I had alluded to was my being ignored by some people for certain opportunities.? You also made a remark about my exploring volunteering opportunities not selflessly but to build a network of contacts in the industry.? Fair enough but what is wrong in doing so?? For your information, I had even sent a couple of proposals for speaking or conducting workshops on certain topics which were not approved. The purpose was to contribute to knowledge-building AND to make myself visible in the Compliance sector.? Those topics were different from what one generally sees in the conferences here; thus, apparently, the appetite for them has to be developed. This can only happen if experienced and knowledgeable “newcomers” are also given a chance rather than shuffling and reshuffling mostly the same old topics and speakers at these events.? Also, FYI, I am initially willing to do a consulting assignment for a couple of MSBs at nominal rates or even gratis (I told a couple of MSBs and other organizations along the sidelines of the last conference I had attended).? These are not the acts of a selfish person!?? What do YOU know about my efforts to make inroads into the industry??


10. Self-aggrandizement – Have you noticed how many times you used the word “I” in your cheap comedy show?? Why not just announce at the top of your voice that you are the greatest gift of God to humankind?? With a loud mouth such as yours, it should not be difficult.? Or, perhaps, you are Nietzsche’s übermensch??? I have come across quite a few narcissistic people in my life but you are clearly at the top!? Sorry, but your video made me retract my very initial impression about you as a humble person.? So, after all, I am not that good a judge of character but, then, there are always wildly weird exceptions like yourself.? Touche!


11. Disrespect – Canada is a melting pot; diversity is its strength.? It has been a nation of immigrants and will remain so for the foreseeable future.? Ideally, good values of each other’s cultures should be cross-planted.? One of the values of the East is respect for people who are senior in age than others.? Yesterday, you showed an absence of this value if, at all, you find it worthy of emulation.? Had I been in your place, I would not have yelled at you.? ?Perhaps, it has to do something with your grooming over which you did not have any control!? Another Eastern value is that of hospitality and you, despite being a natural born Canadian, showed your impatience, insensitivity, and rudeness in hosting a “foreigner”. ??


12. I had not solicited any advice (go through my comments and the famous “article”) from you but you generously but arrogantly dispensed it to me.? One of your proclamations about me was that I did not look “fresh” in the LI profile picture and probably compared it to your “fresh” and “professional” picture.?? Wow!?? Be that as it may, I wish you had attired “professionally” for this show rather than admiring yourself.? Your fan club may have liked you in that jacket of yours (and even the mask of a “scary” or “deadly” skull during the early few minutes of the program) but I felt nauseated. Now, don’t compel me to admire your clownish attire as I am entitled to my own views, please!?


13. I was quite amused by your example of dressing up in a cockroach-printed shirt if the company one is applying to has a philosophy that aligns with the behavior of cockroach.? Indeed, cockroaches are worthy of respect as they are resilient creatures and, reportedly, the only organism or species that survived the radiation effects of the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945 were cockroaches.? However, you may want to dress up as a cockroach (or other animals) if you want but I find it unprofessional and against my preferences.? I cannot stoop so low to impress somebody to get a job in their company – you may do that by all means.? Perhaps, your and your fan club's latent ambition is to work in Cirque du Soleil which is a great Canadian entertainment company and I found their shows amazing when they visited Istanbul/Turkey during my stay there, quite some time back.


14. ?Allied to the above point, it is against my values to kowtow to influential people for referrals, jobs, or consulting assignments.? My red line usually comes after three attempts. If somebody is not interested in helping me, I take the cue and do not approach them again.? You are welcome to subscribe to the American salesman approach and keep knocking at the same door for umpteen times.? I’d rather keep my self-respect. ?


15. Ethics – You gave me a somewhat strange advice, i.e., taking pictures of the delegates/participants list placed at the registration desk when volunteering for conferences.?? Don’t you think it is unethical or at least a grey area?? Perhaps, not in your opinion. ??I mean it is not like freely helping yourself with corporate souvenirs or swag bags at such events.? But I guess I cannot recognize the zeitgeist – these are times when integrity is not in currency as much it used to be in yesteryears.? Such small, innocuous ethical breaches lead to bigger ones with consequential governance failures.? You are too young to fathom it.?


16. During your “Faisal Bashing” show, you cautioned me that if I did not display youthful energy at interviews, etc., and continued to give vent to my grievances, I would be called a “grumpy old man” by the interviewers who would only be interested in any value I can bring to their organization.?? Then you gave a crash course on Resume-101 and Interviewing-101 in the most humiliating and admonishing manner!? Wow!? As if I didn’t even know about this stuff!!? Only natural born Canadians know about it.? Then you advised me to go for a mentor.? Well, FYI, I have been mentored and have attended TCAE’s resume & interview programs as refreshers in addition to their amazing knowledge sessions.? This shows (contrary to what you perceive about me) that I don’t have any ego when it comes to learning from others including those who are much younger than I am.? Again, being the loud-mouthed, quick-thinking Mr. Know-All that you are, there seems to be some nagging doubt in your mind about my ability to learn, unlearn, re-learn and adapt.?



17. I do not agree with your selfish arguments directed at me, i.e., “why should anybody help you” or “why should somebody share their success with you?” There are responsibilities, if not obligations, toward the society which must be fulfilled by the more privileged/successful. ?I can expound on them but I doubt that you have the cerebral capacity to understand what I may have to say.? So, let’s park this point of contention for the time being.? It is, as they say, “above your pay grade”!? When you grow up in a few more years and if I am around, I will be happy to explain this philosophy to you.? In the meantime, continue practicing your vocal cords and self-praise the decibels produced by your incessant shouting amplified by your microphone! ?Noise pollution, anyone??



18. You should have invited me to attend your comedy show live but you preferred to do a monologue in the presence of your courtiers.? This, in itself, shows your malicious intention and an act akin to ganging up against me.? You say at the very start, “Your Boy got called out”!? So, apparently, a significant part of the audience was quite well known to you and loyal as well. One can see emojis/pics of skulls and red chillies placed near the title of your video which probably depicted how entertaining and “spicy” the show would be!? Also, a man is known by the company he keeps and I caught a glimpse of it via comments of one of your sycophants – she says, tongue-in-cheek: “Stephen, I think you nailed the issues with the author dead on. Great feedback and comeback. Wondering if the author is regretting his rant post? ?? I certainly would have my tail between my legs.... ??”!? It appears your audience felt as if they were in the Colosseum of Rome to watch an entertaining fight between two gladiators and one of them did not turn up!?


19. You are on slippery grounds when you say that your post was meant to be in connection with the women advocacy work being done by Amanda Wick and that I had no business commenting on your post that had been reposted by her.? If you look around LI, you may be able to find several posts in which a certain point or a discussion thread from a master/larger one is picked for further discussion which usually takes place within the same page in the sections provided for comments and replies.? So, I don’t think your argument has any heft.? You are harping on a flimsy pretext.?


20. You have asked me if I have spent any money on any courses, mentorship, conferences, etc., and then, as if by clairvoyance or coincidence, hint at my not being able to afford such programs.? How did you come to know about it?? I had confided about it with only one or two persons and if they have spilled the beans, it is tantamount to breach of my privacy.? Please reveal the names.


21. Insulting me yet again, you advise me to do something else instead of practicing GRC.? What do YOU know about GRC?? I was exposed to GRC when you were probably learning to walk!? So, have some respect, behave yourself, and do not gas light me.


22. You are yourself either confused or mercurial as, on one hand, you say that we all judge others and then you imply that we/I should not judge those whom we/I don’t know well.? Then you pontificate about the need for self-assessment and advise me accordingly assuming that I have never done any introspection.? ?Moreover, you state that your wife had signaled you to calm down during your video show and describe it as yet another form of judgment (on her part).? You really are a loose cannon and don’t listen to anyone! ??Anyway, your point got lost in the gobbledygook that you uttered.? I suppose you were craving to say that it was okay if you judged others but not okay if others judged you or your actions.


23. Every day, there are dozens of articles posted on LI and other media about the grievances and frustrations of experienced immigrants not being able to find jobs/assignments and remaining underutilized. ?My comments were neither earth-shattering nor did they unravel something new. ?In fact, they were far less incisive than what one gets to read elsewhere. ??So, rather than demonstrating callousness, it would have been better to empathize rather than being humiliatingly dismissive about it. You squandered a chance to show patience, maturity, and understanding and preferred resorting to belligerence.?


24. During a large part of your highly repugnant and insulting comedy show, you warned me (as a matter of “opinion”) that Souzan and Joseph will no longer be giving me any referrals or other help, etc.? Was it a coincidence? No, as you have already planted the seeds of antagonism against me in their minds.? Thank you very much!? Of course, I can't force them or anyone else to assist/refer me. If I do get a job/assignment, it will most likely be without anyone's assistance or referral. As a matter of fact, NOBODY, except for two persons (please do not lose your sleep over guessing their names), has referred me for any job for the last almost three years. You mentioned about your being on a number of boards & committees and “guaranteed” that I will not get a job, given what you consider as my issues, especially the remarks about “un-named” people and grievances of the type “foreigners” or newcomers have with the placement system and opportunities here in Canada.? I have taken note of your threatening tone.?


25. While there are people who could be conduits in facilitating jobs and other opportunities, they are not THE providers of livelihood.? Not even Souzan and Joseph – and certainly not you and your network!? It is fine if, with or without your goading them to block potential opportunities that come my way, I fail to land a job/assignment.? If it is in my destiny to fail despite whatever efforts I make (or have made), then so be it!? I am not going to beg anybody for referrals.? However, please take note that if this failure occurs due to your vicious shenanigans, I will hold you responsible for it.? You have caused incalculable damage to my reputation (whatever it is in your eagle eyes and your turbo-fast cerebrum) as well as my already bleak job prospects and I will neither forget nor forgive it!?


26. During my career, I have handled various crises/situations, the mention of which would give you goosebumps (and sleepless nights)!? However, my integrity has always remained intact and I have demonstrated courage to speak the truth to the power despite suffering retaliation.? This has been a hallmark of my career and my personal/social relationships too.? So, a boy like you bent upon ousting me from some circles of influence and opportunities is nothing new for me.? You have almost succeeded in hindering my prospects as some other devils in my earlier life had.? (Ah, some more fodder for more “Faisal bashing”, I surmise)!? Congratulations, you have accomplished your mission!!


27. Given your cocky demeanor (at least that is what I have experienced), I suspect you will not apologize or admit your faults and third-rate attitude.? In the unlikely scenario that you do regret the gibberish-filled video show, you will add a number of riders or qualifiers to it.? You are stubborn and haughty and, while these traits may motivate your admirers, they repel me.? I hope something happens which brings you down from your Pharaonic high pedestal.? You occupy positions in several boards/committees like a selfish octopus and should clear the way for some other people (no, obviously, I don’t qualify for any of these positions).? This could humble you a bit as you seem to consider yourself impregnable with tons of clout.



28. Further to the above, you could play the “martyr’ card of which you have accused me. Considering your shrewdness, you could either delete the video in question or, like a coward, block me from viewing your posts and comments, etc.? End of story?? Let’s see. ?As far as I am concerned, I am not being a martyr but it would suffice to say that you have caused immense heartache to me due to your extremely bellicose, brash, provocative, and brazenly insolent behavior.? The good news is that there are many others -- born in Canada -- who are welcoming, caring, and kind; you could be in the minority which comprises arrogant, apathetic, and acerbic people.?


29. You could even say that you wouldn’t like to read such a long “article” and you have no time for it.? Or you can act like a joker using ridiculous emojis and then expecting me to maintain my sense of humor and poise!? If you decide to use sarcastic emojis, please act with abundant caution as sometimes these emojis have been taken seriously by the parties involved.? For example, you must have heard about a case wherein one of the parties insisted that a thumbs-up emoji signified an approval or commitment and, if I recall correctly, their argument was held tenable.? Anyway, I can expect any imbecile, “I don’t care a fig” reaction from you. ?You seem to be incorrigible (I can already hear you yell, “Yes, Faisal, I am incorrigible like hell and, yes, I don’t care!!).?


30. Ordinarily, it would have been beneath my dignity to even respond to you but I have already explained the reasons why I had to respond to your comments.? That should have been the end of the matter, had you not misinterpreted in your infinite wisdom, my write-up (or “article” as you say) as one that “called you out” and go ahead with bashing me through your podcast – much like a predator pouncing on his prey!? During my 3+ decades of professional experience, I have faced criticism, wide divergence of opinions, bad politics, personal verbal attacks, victimization, etc., but you have set the bar higher!?? You are deviously different from any others that I have come across.?? You don’t know how a war has to be fought fairly!?


In conclusion, it has been a uniquely nasty experience interacting with you over the last few days through LI.? You levelled baseless allegations against me whereas I had neither criticized nor blamed you (or anyone specifically) for some of my unpleasant experiences.? Nevertheless, out of concern for you, I apologized to you and clarified my comments in considerable detail while not blaming you or anybody in particular for anything.? Your reaction has been thoughtless, devoid of any logic, and very humiliating.? I did not even ask you for any advice or support but you, in a passive-aggressive manner, did a videocast for as long as 40+ minutes bullying me verbally and using a disparaging, condescending, and intimidating style to tender unsolicited “advice” to me which, in some segments, you cunningly camouflaged as career advice for the general audience too.? You ridiculed my age, my profile, my facial display in LI, my activities on LI, and my career pursuits in the most insulting manner; if at all needed, it could have been done in a calm, sensitive, yet engaging way.? I know very well how a CV (or as they call it Resume’ here) is to be done and how an interview has to be handled and I can teach you a few things about it myself.? Its only for interaction/engagement that I still attend such refreshers; otherwise, frankly, I have helped scores of people in refining their CVs and preparing them for interviews; some of them have met with success, while others wait for their dream jobs.? It was all gratis help -- without any publicity and quid pro quos. Some of the tips you gave in your video had been given by my mentors in Canada but in a respectful manner.? Sometimes, all that one needs is a shoulder to cry on (in a manner of speaking) and you must learn it from Souzan before you do your next podcast.? Otherwise, you are nothing more than a snake-oil salesman, maybe one notch higher!

As for me:

?Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours to see!?

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards.

Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I



Your post of circa Nov 12, 2023


“??Pro-Tip - Be The Person You Wish You Had At The Start Of Your Career ?? I was listening to a podcast and the guest talked (and cried a little) about how she remembers so vividly the chance that 2 families took on her early in her entrepreneurial career, even though she claims she was "nothing" It had me thinking of all the chances professionals took on me and what employers and industry thought leaders could do to help the future generation of hashtag#compliance and hashtag#AML professionals especially those in hashtag#crypto. Here is a quick list, of some things people did that significantly change my career ?? ? Amber D. Scott and Rodney MacInnes took me to one of their compliance meetings (and event) for one of their crypto companies. They also gave me several speaking opportunities ? Dwayne King spent an hour with me on the phone telling me about his career and how to break into the industry. Him and Jennifer Fiddian-Green were also instrumental in allowing me to join the ACAMS Greater Toronto Chapter ? Raza Siddiqui gave me my first speaking opportunity, without actually hearing me give a talk. I will never forget this ? Rajeev Ahya, and Samantha J Sheen were so helpful in first getting me connected with ACAMS as a speaker and also working on their courses ? Emma Todd and Joseph Iuso were very accepting in allowing me to join the event planning committee of the Canadian MSB Association conference and providing entrepreneurship advice ? Peter Warrack gave me my first AML Investigator job and also allowed me to present for Project Guardian, INTERPOL and FinCEN ? Joseph Ciccolo, was always willing to provide mentorship and has been the main driver behind working with Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists - ACFCS This is just a very short list and the ones that come to mind. I'm sure there is a lot that I'm forgetting ???? But look around. Whether you are a Manager, Event Coordinator, Leader of an Association. How could you change the career of an ambitious newcomer to the industry?? ????♂?Maybe invite them on important calls ????♂?Take them with you to a popular event / conference ????♂?Invite them to be a moderator on your next panel ????♂?Show them appreciation in a public setting ?? What was something that impacted your career early on ??”

? Annex-B

? My comments on your post


???Stephen Sargeant - Quite an inspiring story you have! I am still struggling to find my way in the wilderness here but consider myself fortunate to have been the recipient of generosity and kindness of people like Souzan Esmaili and Joseph Iuso who have made it possible for me to get introduced to several compliance professionals via the TCAE and Canadian MSB Association' s programs. Both of them are humble people and success has not eroded their humility. That said, there are some professionals who are rather arrogant, insecure, have tunnel vision or tall egos, and zealously guard their success or do not want to take even an iota of risk on newcomers (newcomers to the country but NOT newcomers to the GRC profession)! Perhaps, you have some personal charm (besides your technical prowess and knowledge) going for you as well and were lucky to get invited to Compliance meetings and panel discussions. ??. Also, crypto is not the only game in town, there are many other aspects to GRC and what's happening in the world which deserve considerable focus! Sorry, but I am a forthright person and cannot mince my words! With my best regards. Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I

? Annex-C

? Your comments on my remarks

“Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I, This message kept me up last night, when I read it. It has so much good in it but also some things that you may have misconstrued.

If I have time today, I’m going to break it down in a LinkedIn live this afternoon. I hope it may help, but listen to it with an open mind”.


? My reaction/response to your comments

???Stephen Sargeant - I am sorry if my comments made you so upset that you stayed up all night. That was not my intention. I am perhaps too much of a straightforward person and some people may not appreciate it. You seem to be a great guy filled with not only passion but compassion as well as humility. Perhaps, you didn't like my alluding to your good luck in getting support from the people who "took risk" on you. Or, while I named some really magnanimous professionals that I have benefitted from, you did not approve of my labelling some other un-named people as arrogant, egotistical (or hypocritical). One must call a spade a spade rather than being duplicitous. During one's struggle for survival, one gets to meet all kinds of people and when somebody has spent more than three decades in a career, they are expected to be able to "judge" others fairly accurately. My experience might not have been exactly the same as yours and I am not sure what irked you. I do have a very open mind; am amenable to criticism AND learning even at this stage in my life. Look forward to listening to your LI-live that you have referred to in your comments. With best regards, Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I

? Annex-E

Your reaction/response to mine

?Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I Not so much upset brother. 1. I think many people think and say the same things you are saying whether its on linkedin or in private conversations. So its not so much about you as it is the overall approach by many in the industry. 2. "Luck" - yes that nearly put me over the edge. lol but I think many of us go through this world thinking that others are "lucky" and it definitely plays a role in success, but its not the whole reason. 3. Yes - those are very generic labels, considering I'm going to assume you don't know those people very well nor do you know how hard they had to work for their success. (plus we all have those traits or have had them in some form or another) 4. The LinkedIn Live will come - trust me - but I'm glad as "luck" would have it I was having coffee with Souzan Esmaili instead of doing the live last friday and she told me you were a good person trying your best. 5. Your experience is like many newcomers to Canada its why myself and others hosted 3 events pre-pandemic for foreign professionals that struggle getting into the canadian market and probably its the driver behind alot of Souzan's initiatives”.

? Annex-F

? My arguments versus yours


??Stephen Sargeant - Kindly refer to the following link for my detailed response on this important topic: With warm regards. Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I

? Annex-G

? Your counter arguments to mine (Nov 30, 2023)

??Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I - Here is my detailed response to your detailed response - It would be “arrogant” for me to say to get a pen and paper ?? but I have “unzealously” shared my secrets to success here.






??Stephen Sargeant

??Connecting The Crypto Compliance Community Via Content l Web3 l Blockchain Investigations l Compliance Consultant l Certified Crypto Trainer l Speaker l Podcast Host

1 年

This is awesome. I love it. I have to say if you put this much energy in rebutting me, finding a job should be easy for you. I only got to point 12 but I’m hoping you come out with an audiobook so I can listen to it when I’m going door to door selling my snake ??oil. ?? I don’t think focusing on me and my content is a good use of your time. I’m not for everyone and tbh I could care less if people like me or not. As Jay-Z said. “You don’t like me fine, it cost you nothing, pay me no mind” P.s. if you turned this rebuttal into a speech I’m sure there will be a lot of people wanting to come and listen,

Faisal Anwar, CCEP-I

Senior independent consultant with diverse experience in Compliance, Operations, Shared Services at top-notch banks like BoA, ABN AMRO, RBS. Based in Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada and Karachi,Pakistan

1 年

Hi ??Stephen Sargeant - Here is the rebuttal to your video. Best regards.



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