Rebuking ~ Calming ~ Quieting ~ Raging Storms of Life …

Rebuking ~ Calming ~ Quieting ~ Raging Storms of Life …

Mark 4:39 ~ He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.?

Abba Father good morning ~ Quiet! Be still! What a protective promise. Our life living, walking, engaging life within Our Lord Christ Jesus, while living among the ways of this world. Worldly winds and worldly waves; completely heavenly calmed. Our life will naturally become involved among/within raging storms of life with waves of hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties among this broken world. A world living overwhelmed within unrealistic expectations. A world living embedded within satan’s delusions of untruthfulness. Ungodliness presented at its worldly best. Satan’s bold ungodliness weighting life down with burdens of weariness, despair, hopelessness. Reflect-back. Think about the storms in our life? How many times was our life caught in the swirling winds when attempting to avoid the pounding waves? Remember. The ways of this world living influenced within satan’s untruthfulness is extremely good at getting our attention. Drawing our life in. Attempting to hold us down. Submerging us into the pounding waves of internal destruction that repeatedly hammer away at our hope, our strength, our endurance, our perseverance. If our life is not living ready, living prepared, living equipped with the essential armor within a heavenly refuge of anointed protection. Our life will be battered relentlessly. Can you remember the battering’s our life has encountered in the storms among this world of extreme brokenness? The living bible teaches we have a refuge of protection. A way to live ready, live prepared, live equipped with essential armor sustaining all satan’s battering’s throughout life. Our Lord Christ Jesus calmed this physical storm for the disciples threatening their very lives by rebuking the winds, rescinding the waves, and breathing living hope. Godliness engulfed their lives filled with anointed peacefulness into a situation appearing fearful, threatening, out-of-control, overwhelming. The Lord Our God has purposefully created, uniquely designed, and intimately put in motion this day to become part of our life. A day with living hope breathing protective promises in the living bible. Our Lord Christ Jesus is ready, is prepared, is equipped, and is actively waiting to calm the raging storms with battering waves of fears, hurts, rejections, isolations, hopelessness within our life. Calming every worldly storm with life-changing gifts of undeserved grace. Heaven above engaging our life’s brokenness. Transforming raging waves of fear into living hope floating with comforting peacefulness. Free-gifts of anointed protection. Fully engageable: absolutely-un-earnable, un-purchasable, un-creatable. A passionate prayer from deep within our heart, our mind, our soul; our very inner-core of thriving life. An intimate prayer, a quiet prayer, a prayer of “Jesus Help Me” is the protective life-jacket saving our life within the worldly storms of life. A life-jacket sustaining, enduring, and floating within living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. This life of heavenly survival is a life of living in faith willingly living believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Heaven above intimately breathing cleansing, redeeming, restorational agape love into all of life’s brokenness. The Lord Our God Willingly Sacrificing His Only Son. Our Lord Christ Jesus to be our protective life-jacket. Interceding on our sinful behalf. Providing anointed protection of heavenly guidance within the dwelling Holy Spirit to be our intimate engageable comforter. Our life will have choices in this life. Decisions to make. A way of life to choose. The Lord Our God is requiring our active participation. It requires dedication with our time becoming action. Our energy becoming growth. Our resources becoming life-changing gifts. Our life can live responding to the ways of this world with the ways of the living bible. Our life can live taking a stand for Our Lord Christ Jesus among the ways of this world. Actively reaching out into the storms of real people living real life might not be easy. Doing nothing is not an option. Our life must live willing to engage broken lives with the engageable life-jacket of The Lord Our God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace. A protective life-jacket floating within living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Heavenly faith engaging heaven above. ?It will require living within this world from heaven above, but not within the ways of this worldly world. Reaching into the lives of real people living real life. Living alertly. Accepting them non-judgmentally. Walking by their side. Actively engaging within their life will help calm the raging storms in their lives; as our life allows Our Lord Christ Jesus to calm the storms within our life. Live alert ~ Protective life jackets are engageable. God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit is the life-jacket all of life can willingly engage within the raging storms of life. Our choices will matter. Our decisions will count. Our way of life will make a difference. Is our life living ready, living prepared, living equipped? Who our life lives trusting, is who our life will follow. Live alertly. Our life-jacket within the raging storms of life’s brokenness. Remember ~ An intimate prayer, a quiet prayer, a prayer of “Jesus Help Me” is the protective life-jacket saving our life within the worldly storms of life.?

Father ~ Thank you for providing. Allowing. Sacrificing Your Only Son; Our Lord Christ Jesus to be My Savior. My best friend. My life-jacket. Abba Father ~ Protectively engage my life. Breathe anointed blessings into my sinfulness. Engaging my life within every moment. Calming raging storms, hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties of life within this broken world. Protective blessings of undeserved grace breathing everlasting life in heaven rebuking worldly winds. Calming worldly waves. Quieting raging worldly storms within my life. Helping my life live within the engageable life-jacket floating within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner


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