Rebuilding Your Motivation Each Day: The reality of fueling yourself to success
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Rebuilding Your Motivation Each Day: The reality of fueling yourself to success

Motivation is great - but after a while it slips away. It’s fleeting.

Most of us have moments of great motivation. Hearing that speaker, learning something new, or finding a new goal or dream.

Maybe our motivation comes from love. Wanting to do something right to help a family member or boyfriend or girlfriend.

Whatever the source of motivation, keeping motivation can be hard. Really hard.

So how do you stay motivated each day? How do you keep it rolling?

I recently recorded a Motivational Minute and I wanted to share the key lessons with you. Just in case you are like so many of us - that have our motivation disappear once in a while.

Motivation Doesn’t Always Stay

The first key lesson we should know is motivation doesn’t just stay with us. It tends to disappear.

We can use this fact to be depressed or we can use it for our good.

Since motivation does tend to go away those that can stay motivated have a competitive advantage. And they’ll get their goals done while others fall out of the race.

So use the fact that motivation tends to disappear to motivate you. You can do what others can’t or won’t do.

How To Rebuild Motivation

Knowing that motivation goes away, I’ve designed a three part system to allow you to rebuild your motivation.

Part 1 - Goals

The first key to keeping motivated is to have goals.

You need to stop and really dream and know where you are headed. Don’t let others give you their dreams. Many get their dreams from society, not internally. What your boss, spouse or parent thinks you should accomplish isn’t, necessarily, your dream.

So if you want to have motivation that really lasts you need to have something you really want.

It has to be a goal that is really yours.

Don’t shortchange yourself on this step.

Part 2 - Visualize Goals

Not only should you have goals you are going to have to visualize them, regularly, if you are going to get there.

So once you have your goal you need a way to reconnect with them daily.

Vision boards, pinterest collections, and collections of websites are all ways to keep your dreams front and center.

If you are going to stay motivated you need to connect with your future and the burning desire to get there.

So build the materials that allow you to connect.

Part 3 - Systems And Processes

The truth is if you have to think through your motivation every moment, or even every day, you are going to wear yourself out.

As you set your big goals, create systems and processes that support that goal.

What can you do every day to get to that goal? How can you make your schedule support that? How do you track it?

The schedules, systems and processes you build around your goal will make sure you keep moving towards it.

What To Do Now

The good news is that the hard work of staying motivated every day can be turned into simple steps to keep you motivated.

The hard part will be sticking to the plan.

I recommend you work through the 3 steps today. And again tomorrow. Keep repeating the process of going through the process of building your motivation every day plan until it sticks.

New habits are hard to create.

But one like this is worth it.

And if you need regular tips on motivation subscribe to my McBride For Business YouTube Channel where I drop tips on motivation.

NOTE: Legal issues are discussed generally. This is not legal advice. Consult your own attorney before taking action on anything in this video.

This Article is from The Our Shawn McBride - The Planning Done Right Guy(TM).

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If you ever see me in person you’ll quickly notice his unusual suits which he uses to open the conversation of how businesses should Do Business Differently?.

The Our Shawn is based in DeLand, Florida (between Orlando, Florida and Daytona Beach, Florida) and Dallas, Texas where he keeps offices. You can also find Shawn on webinars or traveling nationally or internationally for speaking engagements.

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Future Done Right? YouTube Channel - Check out this YouTube Channel for interviews and discussions about the future of business.

FREE preview copy of Business Blunders! - This is my first book and it looks at common business mistakes that I’ve seen in my years of working with business owners. This will allow you to avoid those issues in your business!

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