Rebuild - Making a movie is a lot harder than I thought... And I thought it would be hard!
Ed Collins
ICT, Systems and Network Engineering Veteran | Enterprise Endpoint Management Expert | Microsoft Azure Nerd | Change Manager | Project Manager
If you are interested in investing in our movie, Rebuild, we have a Pitch Package that we can send to you along with a ROI package that we can discuss.
Please email [email protected]
Since I have known my wife, she has had an incredibly inspiring passion for art, the arts, creativity... call it what you will...
She is a graphic designer by trade. She is also an actress (you may have seen her on The 100, Peelers the movie, Untold Stories of the ER, etc...).
When I met her, she had already written one movie that she had tried to get produced, and was working on more ideas.
One of those ideas is Rebuild.
The premise is amazing... THE END OF THE END OF THE WORLD! It is the story of what happens in that time that the zombie apocalypse ends. What happens next? All of the surviving humans have been through so much trauma and have been without civilization and technology for so many years. How does the human race rebuild society?
Not only that, but the main hero in the movie is an awesome young lady. In fact, a lot of the cast and crew are strong, extremely talented, incredible women. To name a few, we have my wife and the writer, producer and star: Nikki Wallin (Peelers, Untold Stories of the ER, The 100...), the director: Shannon Kohli (Hunting Season, The Magicians...), the stunt coordinator: Maja Aro (War for the planet of the Apes, Hansel and Gretel, Once upon a time... ), Concept Artist: Elise Hatheway (Lego 2, The Book of Life...)
We also have the extremely talented Patton Tunstall (Looper, 21 Jump Street...) as our vFX artist
This idea absolutely HAS to get created.
We all have worked together for months to create the script, bouncing ideas off each other and our friends, arguing, endless rewrites Nikki wrote and I edited and finally we had a script.
Now what?
Being the creative one, Nikki came up with an amazing marketing plan to help us get this put together. A well known (or maybe not) saying is "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time"... And that is exactly what we did. We split Rebuild into manageable chunks.
- The Kenkosei commercials - Kenkosei is the candy that creates the "Screecher" (zombie) virus. We came up with the concepts. We would need 2 dogs for the commercials, so we reached out to the dog-owner community in Vancouver. we had a LOT of applicants and then created a crowdfunding campaign where people could donate to vote on which dog they would like to appear in the commercials. Our crowdfunding campaign was a huge success - we raised 150% of our goal, allowing us to donate the extra 50% to SAINTS rescue (Senior Animals In Need Today Society). You can see the commercials here: and here:
- Rebuild: The Short - The first scene of the movie is where our hero, Flint and her partner Brent are scavenging in a post-apocalyptic town for food and equipment. they are ambushed by Screechers (zombies) and have to fight for their lives. They are cornered, facing their impending deaths, when suddenly the unexpected happens... This is the script that we are using for our short. It has even already won awards!! All we need now in this step is the funding to get the short produced. So we are contacting investors and creating another crowdfunding campaign (This will be launched on Tuesday, October 3rd 2017 at - We are having a launch party at UVA Wine Bar, 900 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC, Canada on Tuesday October 3rd at 8pm, ALL are welcome)
- Rebuild the movie - Once we have the short produced and a fanbase already established, we can approach production companies with our full feature script, showing them that we already have an awesome cast and crew and have already created the first scene of the movie.
We have been working on this now for years.
We've had a number of doors slammed in our faces, rejection, struggle, heartache, false promises, you name it, we have experienced it. It is an incredibly hard process. I do understand why; The market it flooded with people who have ideas and scripts. It doesn't make it easier that I understand why it is a hard process. You hear it all the time "You will get 1,000 no's before you get a yes".
But we will NEVER give up.
This is most definitely a passion project. We absolutely HAVE to make this movie. The world needs to see it.
PLEASE help us to get this movie made.
Keep your eye on for information about how you can help us.
If you are interested in investing in our movie, Rebuild, we have a Pitch Package that we can send to you along with a ROI package that we can discuss.
Please email [email protected]