The rebranding process starts with the coolest workshop on the block.
Hallo Everyone,
I hope you're all well. It's twenty-five minutes past five looking at my wall clock and I guess its still pretty sunny everywhere in London to call it a gloomy autumn day. Anyway, I'm indoors writing up my newest inspirational thought. The branding bug has finally caught up with me. So, I guess the rebranding process had to start somewhere and at some point. I've decided to start it off with the coolest workshop on the block. The Mechanics of Adventure writing masterclass programme.
We are in the month of October popularly called 'Black History' month and I've been given the opportunity to host a free creative writing event at Coombes Croft Library on Tottenham High Rd, London N17 8AG on the 28th October which incidentally falls on the last weekend of the month.
This occasion will be for aspiring writers, writing enthusiasts, wordsmiths of sorts, and authors who take their work and their genres seriously. The idea of doing all this is probably to put some bums on seats in the library and to ensure that aspiring authors are given a fair chance to learn the craft of writing objectively without bias. And, did I mention on the day we will be discussing how and why people get self-published? Well, I'm throwing that in too. That's because people need to know what they're really up against when they decide to self-publish. This is all part of the rebranding process to win others over and collaborate with the likes of libraries like Coombes who would take a chance on a lone trainer or writing coach like me.
In the past my collaborations with others have been quite successful. But I have to admit I've never taken on anything like this before. I guess once again this comes with the learning territory and one thing's quite clear in my book you never stop learning. In fact, you keep moving up in your learning zone. I have incorporated a few things with this latest collaboration so I believe its time to dig deep and let the doors open. Yes. This collaboration with Coombes Croft Library might be part of a rebranding mechanism. But, there are more stories like this coming because I have been taking branding lessons and you might not guess why I'm taking this route. But, I'll give you a clue.
Even though the Coolest workshop on the block is undergoing changes with creative writing ideas times have really changed since COVID. And, I tend to wonder whether this Adventure writing masterclass can hang with the rest of them all. I know it can. That's why I'm allowing others put me through my paces by testing my wit with my beloved genre ADVENTURE. So, what say you? Will you be coming? Its a free creative writing event. You should especially if you love the idea of writing and self publishing work. In this case your work. And, by work I mean book or books. Come and have fun. But, remember come prepared you might get to learn a thing or two. Do one more thing.
NB: The EXPENDABLE PI AKA THE RATTLESNAKE will be making a triumphant RETURN SOON. The ungodly had better watch out!