Rebranding AI: A Journey from Artificial to Intuitive
Viktor Grant
"The Wizard": AI-Powered Copywriting & Prompt Engineering Expert | Transforming Talent into High-Performance Results | "Talent Accelerator" ??
I think it's time we rebranded AI. The acronym is here to stay, and that is not going to change, but its meaning is completely wrong, unless we look at the Latin word roots of the word 'artificial.'
The common meaning of the word 'artificial' is 'fake,' as in 'fake news,' but labeling large language models (LLMs) as artificial is simply not true.
As someone who is a developer, not just an operator of AI for more than two decades, we've been programming systems that operate on the laws of probability. Investors pooh-poohed me that our systems operated this way 20 years ago and opted instead for reductionism, meaning that the algorithm should be deterministic.
Let me tell you a story. When ChatGPT first came out, I had this idea to use it for writing marketing emails. I sent a few samples to a friend of mine who is a professional copywriter who charges upwards of $5000 per hour, and his response was: "This copy is worse than horse manure."
I was still blown away that it could do it at all. So I began then a three-year quest to solve the problem. Could I write software that actually writes stuff that is as good, if not better, than an experienced human copywriter?
And if I taught a copywriter how to use it, could he or she use my software to write copy 10X faster than without my software?
The idea is that the software is NOT going to write copy FOR you, but it will write copy WITH you.
You're still writing the copy. It is just refining it.
So I invented the 'REFINE' button.
Showed it to a few people, and soon enough, other 'AI' companies added 'refine buttons.'
I created 3 'tones' symbolized by Emojis: the Precise (accountant), Balanced, or Mr. Hat Man (the wild cowboy) - one of my personal brands on YouTube.
Within a few weeks, other AI companies added those buttons, but they didn't use emojis like we did with one of my investments:
Are they all copying me? Or is this part of some kind of 'collective' unconscious?
So it is time to rebrand AI. The term 'Artificial Intelligence' is very old dating back to 1956 at the Dartmouth Conference by John McCarthy. He along with several pioneers envisioned the concept of machines that could simulate aspects of human intelligence.
But 'conversational AI' as in what everyone is calling 'AI' is really not that. It is based on rolling dice.
The Heroes Journey
First of all, we need to do a word search. This morning, I was thinking the right word would be 'applied' because it builds applications. I found other companies already had the same idea, particularly in the automotive industry.
Then I asked Earthgrid AI (not ChatGPT) to give me the opposite of 'artificial,' and it stopped after a few words. Apparently, the concept of 'opposite' is a very difficult concept to grasp, and when you understand...
Earthgrid AI buys tokens, as does nearly every other AI company out there from other AI data providers. This is how the majority of AI startups get going until they start to build their own networks.
I sought to innovate, to build something that was unique and different, that actually solved my copywriting problem.
I am happy to report that I did it, and it is both a combination of technology PLUS systems or strategy. A human has to be trained in it - it cannot produce the results without the human AS well as a human operating my machine.
So the word 'artificial' comes from 'craft' or 'skill.'
But LLMs specifically operate on trained probability - they roll dice.
They look at word patterns. How many times does the word, for example, 'ad' and 'law' follow in the same sentence, and then it builds sentence structure.
You 'FEED' it.
This is why I believe that all the arguments about copyright infringement feeding AIs books is total bogus. The AI is not storing the book or infringing on copyright. It is reading the word patterns and sentence structure.
Everything is in the language.
With images, it is the same thing. As it is with video. Once you have the probability system, the medium does not matter - it is just words.
So I found two other words, both of which symbolize my REBRANDING of AI.
Altered - a broader change. Many of us saw the film 'Altered States,' and it portrayed that place where intuition meets technology.
Also Adjusted - which is 'ad,' which means 'toward.'
Did you ever think that the word 'ad' actually means 'toward'? Makes sense. You click on an ad, and it brings you toward a purchase.
Justare - with law, or rules.
I asked Earthgrid AI which it thought would be the closest term for my rebranding, and it felt I would be 'adjusted' because it knows what it is doing. The AI space is really more about 'refinements' and 'adjustments' of human thought.
So what is the 'I'? It is not intelligence. It is intuition.
Here's where we get on the deep end.
When we developed our Earthgrid Image AI systems, we wanted to max out what was possible. I saw that DALL-E 3 was able to do a decent job of designing a picture, but due to cost and consumer limitations, it simply didn't do a good job UNTIL we built a pre-transformer.
The pre-transformer is our secret sauce. This is the system that we built that is our internal AI that translates what you are doing BEFORE we pass it on to the 'GPT' software for processing the request.
The smarter we can make that, the more accurate the results.
We also added some features that are unique to Earthgrid AI that are trade secrets.
I'll share with you a story. I've done hundreds of images with our image AI, each one of them is stored in the cloud. We also have customers who have made images. My personal story is this.
In a consultation, I ask the client a few questions about what kind of image they are picturing, and then I type, and over time, I got pretty good at describing the images well. I then use some of our trade secret sauce to make it look good, and usually within 3 or 4 refinements, we get a picture that looks very similar to what the person had in mind.
But when I just have the person themselves try to make the image, it does not produce great results. It looks 'standard' - boring - looks like it was made with AI.
So Intuition is the word, and I'll tell you why.
She imagined a scene where the picture was black and white, but she didn't tell me that.
When I pressed the button, there's about a 30-second delay. During that time, I asked her to picture in her mind's eye what the picture would look like.
When the image came back, she exclaimed with GLEE that she was imagining it in black and white.
Human beings can influence random number generators. I first learned of this from James Gleick. Other scientists have tried similar experiments. I once met someone who could consistently win at slot machines and wrote a book about it called 'Lucky You' - self-published.
My point is what I believe happened is that her power of intuition influenced the billions of random roll dices of DALL-E 3 during that critical moment when we pressed the SEND button, and my pre-transformer took her input and sent it to the 'cloud' for processing.
The result: the image she had in her mind's eye.
I did another experiment to test my theory. I would draw pictures for people on my tablet using my software at a trade show. People would come into the booth, and they'd be 'busy' - noisy - and I'd offer to draw them a picture. They'd blurt out a few words in a frenzy and not pay any attention - they'd be distracted and need to go someplace else. They'd look at their cell phones.
The resulting image was awful at best.
Then I'd ask them to sit down and focus.
Close their eyes, relax, and breathe, and then describe their picture. While they were sitting there, eyes closed, in a peaceful state, even in a crowded room, it would produce consistently better results. One of the people actually tipped me a 20-dollar bill for my picture.
This is the state that I'm talking about. I call it the Intuitive Zone. It is where you drown out enough of the zone to sit down and write.
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I'm now finished with the article. About to press the 'REFINE' button after beginning with research into Latin word roots.
So what do you think is the best rebranding of AI?
Adjusted Intuition
Altered Intuition
Choose. (please comment / vote)
Viktor Grant is a visionary in the field of AI and technology, with over two decades of experience in developing and refining systems that enhance human creativity and productivity. His unique approach blends technical expertise with a deep understanding of human intuition, leading to groundbreaking innovations in the AI space. Connect with Viktor on LinkedIn to stay updated on his latest projects and insights and at
"The Wizard": AI-Powered Copywriting & Prompt Engineering Expert | Transforming Talent into High-Performance Results | "Talent Accelerator" ??
2 天前I just thought of a third option: "Adaptive Intuition" - what do you think?