Rebooting Electronics Manufacturing
Did they discuss anything useful? Can I do something based on their discussions? Can you summarise their key points discussed?
Those were the 3 questions asked by a friend from the industry, when I tried to share insights I had gathered from ELCINA's recent webinar. While the answer to first two seemed to be a clear 'Yes', the third one forced me to rethink how to present such stories. Hence, I present a bulleted list of key points. If this format helps you to understand key points discussed in a 1.5 hour meeting (within 10 minutes) and take informed decisions--this could probably be the best format going ahead.
I have prepared this summary from a webinar held on 16th April. It's title was "Rebooting Electronics Manufacturing-Surviving the Covid-19 Crisis and Future Planning". It was a discussion between veterans of India's electronics industry including A.M. Devendranath, COO, Feedback Consulting; Amandeep Singh, Head Purchase-Digital Appliances, Samsung; Amrit Manwani, President-ELCINA, CMD-Sahasra Group; Atul Lall, CEO, Dixon Technologies India Ltd; Dr. Sreeram Srinivasan, CEO, Syrma Technology; P.V. Moorthy, Technical Advisor, BPL Ltd; Vinod Sharma, MD, Deki Electronics Ltd, and moderated by Rajoo Goel, Secretary General, ELCINA. And, it was organised @MMI.
- Go Short-term. Scrap your annual budgets and targets. Forget your 5 year plans for now. Instead plan for different scenarios on a quarter-wise basis.
- Don't produce anything that is no longer needed! Validate your earlier purchase orders with your customers before starting work.
- Need to communicate proactively amongst our stake-holders. Inform your suppliers, what you no longer need, and what you do. Inform your customers what capacity you have (to supply them)--and align their demands with your supply.
- Reduce movement of staff to factory by allowing 2 shifts to work for 12 hours--and 3rd shift gets an off on that day, and then rotate.
- Look at realigning your shop-floor (machinery in plants) to create more space for social distancing.
- Consumer-facing OEMs expecting major change in demand patterns, as compared to what was planned for.
- Seasonal demand for products that see upswing in Q1 has been deeply compromised.
- Inventories are lined up with them. Sales are nil.
- Suppliers should expect major change in Purchase Orders--past and future.
- There is No clarity amongst OEMs with respect to what their suppliers will be able to supply.
- Production efficiencies are not going to reach normal levels for some time to come.
- Delay in production due to delay and staggered supplies from different suppliers
- Costs will go up due to increasing over heads across the supply chain.
- The fear of social distancing will remain for the next few years. And, demand for tech products and social distancing are tightly linked.
- Increasing US$ rate is creating more opportunities for localisation of products and has made us more competitive.
- Consumer electronics products that are popular on Ecommerce platforms are expected to recover faster--Mobile devices, smart TVs, LED Lighting, etc.
- We might be back on track by Q3 (festival season).
- Need for developing a local supply chain has become evident. Electronics goods sold in India will be now be (more) manufactured in India.
- Components eco-system will (be forced to) evolve in India.
- Opportunities for exports will expand.
- Opportunities to export to friendly nations such as US, UK, etc should increase.
- Expect export opportunities to expand in sectors such as Medical electronics, automotive electronics, Telecom, etc.
- Africa could be a major export destination too.
- We might be closer to attaining the US$ 5TN goal now--because of China-plus-1 need for customers across the globe!
- Go Digital--Be ready for your entire business to adopt Digital and Tech.
- Go Green--Nature has shown what its capable of, and how things improve when we are not fiddling with it--we need to ensure that we do not go back to our.
- Go Values--become a value driven organisation, think long term, and stop going for short term gains.
- Automate--Process automation to be brought in where possible.
- Shift Your Best--Industry should reassign role of their their best purchase people to focus on indigenisation rather than then chasing lowest price for the most expensive item on the BoM.
- Relax schedule for GST payments to give a breather to the industry and improve cash flow.
- Reduce GST rates for categories such as appliances which attract a whopping 28%. Improve their demand.
- Simplify Incentive schemes to make it easy for industry to benefit (Bangladesh's recent announcement policy is a great example!).
- Develop a Star Rating for all tech products to indicate percentage of indigenisation--so that consumers are aware and may prefer to buy products that have stronger Indian quotient.
- Allow factories to do two shifts for 12 hours (for firms with 24 hour working timings) and 3rd shift gets an off to reduce movement of people--thereby reducing risk of disease.
- Incentivise firms in accordance with the value they add--so everyone tries to add higher value irrespective of which layer of the ecosystem they occupy.
- Leave us alone now--let us do our business. Monitor but don't police us.
DISCLAIMER-CUM-REQUEST: I have not been able to cover ALL the wonderful points discussed. Therefore, I request the panelists and even those who attended--to add any key points missed.
Sourcing & Supply Chain Management
4 年My co-worker - Mr.Amandeep: interesting discussion
?? Founder @ | Innovator, Maker, and Community Builder |
4 年Rahul Chopra These are really wonderful points. Excellent summary. Thanks. Point: "Develop a Star Rating for all tech products to indicate percentage of indigenisation--so that consumers are aware and may prefer to buy products that have stronger Indian quotient." Hope this gets implemented sooner. It will not just push indigenisation, will act as a catalyst for made in India.
Chief Operating Officer at Oryx Prive Investment LLC
4 年Good
Apart form GST relaxation, government must review import policy for electronic components. Also withdraw value addition clause. This will help MSME companies to manufacture domestically.?