Reboot your Life (and your career)
So you've been looking for work for awhile now and you may bee feeling like you're on the ledge wanting to jump. Some of you are actually feeling this way. Well .. there is still hope and if you can find some, it will make all the difference in the world!
Wisdom tells us that sometimes Admitting something needs to change is the first step. So can be the first step in having a career.
1. Admit You Need to Start Over - This can be hard if your self-identity is wrapped around what you have always done! However, there is a lot of good in starting over; now may be the time!
2. Identify What You Like to Do and Assess your Strengths- There are many great books and resources helping you to find out what you love to do. One classic is "What Color Is Your Parachute? 2017: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard N. Bolles
Doing what you love to do sometimes seems impractical. Of course if you are at the edge of eviction and need to simply do something, anything will do! But if you have some leeway, take this time and spend some energy looking into what you really want. How do you know what this is? When you're telling a story, what really excites you? What are you talking about when you are smiling the biggest smile? Still don't know? Hire someone like me, a Clairvoyant Coach... Let me work with you on figuring that out.
3. Create Your Own Opportunities and be Flexible! I've worked with people who have a limited world view and a limited self view - who are you? What are your values? What's important? What would you give your life for? Network with the folks here on LinkedIn. Call up old buddies, Use other message boards such as and to state your needs. Ask for what you want. It will come.
4. Stay Positive and Visualize There is so much research on the power of the mind in helping you set your goals, you may as well use it! Reach out to me and I will guide you through a visualization that can help. There is always something else. Moving out of your own way can be the key.