Rebiew APP on iOS & Android - Give Your Anonymous Feedback :).
REBIEW is your social mirror. You can see, what people in your network have to say about you.
Today is all about trend. While some trends stay with you like forever, the others are there just for a teeny-tiny bit. Social media platforms are one of the sticky trends whereas things like fidget spinners are one of those ebb and flow. In line with finding new trends to keep ourselves occupied, anonymous messaging apps are on the rise. Now, the time will tell if this trend is momentary or permanent.
The latest installment in the sequence of anonymous messaging platform is Indian born app- Rebiew. The app description on Google Play describes it as:
Rebiew lets you improve in every aspect of life by receiving honest and constructive feedback from your coworkers, friends and family anonymously.
Rebiew lets you give feedback to the people you know. You can give your honest and constructive feedback without revealing your identity. It is a great way to highlight the negative points of people you love and care about so that they can improve themselves. It can let you know of your poor points without affecting your relationship with anyone.
The app lets the user send anonymous message to anyone who has an account on Rebiew or to unregistered users, virtually to anyone. The user can also send message to anyone with a valid email ID or Mobile no. The person without a Rebiew account would get a SMS or email to see the message.
Also, to send a message via Rebiew, you do not need to have an ID. Just open up the Rebiew app (or Rebiew web-portal) and give your honest constructive feedback to any existing Rebiew user (or someone with a valid Email ID or Mobile no.)
Rebiew app also has the function to block any user. This comes in handy when it comes to people using the anonymous feature to bully or harass others. Even if that delinquent sends message without login, you can still his message through IP.
Behind everything new, there is something exceptionally worthy which makes it popular. For anonymous messaging apps, the key point seems to be the curiosity. People just cannot let go of the appeal to know what others really think about them.
In trend or not, if used in right way, the anonymous messaging apps can indeed make people change for the good. The time will tell if it remains just a momentarily trend or sticks for the long run.