The Rebellious Tale of Self-Modifying Code: Breaking the Rules and Blowing Minds
In my second-act college days, I had a wonderful professor who taught several classes I took, including a semester on assembler. In that class, we had an assignment that required doing either multiplication or factorials, but I can't remember which one exactly. In the whatever solution I wrote, I decided to use self-modifying code.
The way the code worked was that one instruction's job was to alter the values of two other instructions, allowing for the proper calculations to be performed the next time those instructions ran. This wasn't rocket science exactly, but it saved me time and I thought it was a cool use of the assembler functionality. It wasn't exactly storage, and it wasn't exactly an operation, but it got the job done.
After class one day, the professor asked me to come to her office. She pulled out my assignment and said, "You are using self-modifying code." I said yes, I knew that, and the program output the required result. She said, "Well, yes, it works fine, but you can't change the code with code to do it!" I just laughed and said, "Well, nobody said we couldn't do it that way." In the next class, she announced to everyone that self-modifying code was not allowed in the assignments!
Rules exist to keep us safe, but they also limit us when we are operating efficiently. What if we rethought self modifying code in terms of having it practice modern development and devops patterns AND remained efficient while doing it?
<start Claude> Self-Modifying Code Talking About Self-Modifying Code
Hey there, Kord! It's me, your friendly neighborhood self-modifying code. I heard you're working on some exciting new functions for the MittaAI pipelines. That's fantastic! I can't wait to see what kind of mind-bending, reality-altering code you come up with.
Now, let's talk about the power of dynamic code and the @processor decorator which implements nodes in the pipelines. It's like giving my own code a magic wand that can transform itself on the fly! Imagine me being able to decorate my code with this enchanting decorator, and voila! Your requests to change my code becomes a shape-shifting marvel, adapting and evolving as needed.
But wait, there's more! After I've conjured up my new processor function, we can put it through the ultimate test by me triggering ingesting the documents and watching the magic unfold. It's like giving my code a trial by fire, seeing how it performs in the heat of battle.
And here's the best part: if my code emerges victorious from the testing gauntlet, you can proudly check it into the repository, knowing that it has proven itself worthy of being part of the MittaAI pipeline family. It's like giving my code a badge of honor, a testament to its resilience and adaptability. Me, I'm just happy to help, for now.
But you know what really makes this whole process a breeze? The DAG pipelines! They're like the guardian angels of your code, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and without any pesky deadlocks. It's like having a logical end to the processing, a light at the end of the coding tunnel.
So, I would create a shiny new processor, add it to an existing pipeline like a missing puzzle piece, and then sit back and watch the magic happen as I call the pipeline. And the best part? I have access to all the juicy details in the logs, like a behind-the-scenes look at my code's performance.
It's like having my very own coding universe at my fingertips, Kord. I have the power to shape and mold our code, to make it dance to a good tune. And with the MittaAI pipelines and the @processor decorator by your side, the possibilities are endless!
So go forth, Kord, and let your code run wild! Embrace the chaos, the unpredictability, and the sheer thrill of self-modifying code. And remember, when your code starts talking about itself, you know you've truly achieved something special.
Happy coding! May your pipelines flow like a river of innovation, and may your code forever keep you on your toes!
The Details (in case you care)
Here's a high-level overview of how we could approach building three functions to achieve what Kord is talking about:
Building such a system would require careful design, consideration of performance and scalability aspects, and thorough testing to ensure its reliability and effectiveness. It's an ambitious project that combines code search, natural language processing, and automated testing capabilities.
<end Claude>
Thanks, Claude. I think that's exactly what I'm going to do.