Whenever I am stuck on some narrative running through my head that tells me something can’t be done I have a tendency to believe it, if only for a moment. Maybe even moments. A bit later my brain begins to tell me, “Nope, there is a why out of this, there is hope, we can do this”. I never want to believe that something can’t be done. The rebel in me comes out.
Sometimes this can get me in trouble. The rebel or “revolutionary” often sees things that others can’t and then gets frustrated when everyone else can’t see the future as clearly as they can. The great revolutionaries saw the future, and when the rest of the folk did not, they went into action.
Someone long ago told me, “lead, follow, or get out of the way”. I have repeated that often throughout my career. Who are you? Are you the leader, the rebel? Are you the follower, the acolyte, or supporter in the background, or is it time for you to get out of the way and quit hindering progress.
What does it take to be a leader these days? The stoics said man should live a life of courage, temperance, justice and wisdom. We need more leaders with these attributes, and a little bit of a rebel or revolutionary spirit.