Re–Be-Friending Books
Chhavi Chauhan, PhD
AI Ethicist ? Board Member ? Venture Capitalist ? Award-Winning Author ? Podcast Host ? Serial Entrepreneur
Books leave a lasting impression and convey deep messages that guide our paths for years to come.
I am an avid reader yet reading had taken a backseat in the recent past. A few months back, I committed myself to re–be-friending books. So, my daughter and I started a routine of going for story and puppet time at the regional library every Thursday night. On one such Thursday—when I was swamped at work and barely keeping up with my personal obligations—my toddler surprisingly picked a book for me.
I am not sure if she felt some vibes or if the pretty ribbon made her “present” this book to me. Perhaps she sensed that I needed a book to guide me in my journey.
I graciously accepted her offer.
"The Book That Matters Most" by Ann Hood is “literally” a good read with 3.8 stars on Goodreads. It is a surprisingly easy read; I finished it within a week despite being busy.
About the book: The deeply periled female protagonist finds solace in a book club. The book club members decide to discuss the book that matters the most to each member for their monthly discussions. Needless to say, these books resonate with the other book club members in various ways. Connecting again to her favorite book for the book club changes the life of the female protagonist in unimaginable (nice) ways.
I am extremely thankful to my toddler for re-introducing me to the literary world. Since reading this book, I have been reading regularly, alternating between a book on professional development and a book for pleasure.
I promise to keep the reviews coming to inspire you to read/listen to a book that may matter the most to you.
Please share if you already have a book that matters the most to you. Inspiration is contagious; why not spread it within your network :)
[FACT: If you do not trust me but believe in facts churned out by #Google, you perhaps already know that the secret Google’s design studio has an exclusive library with paper books. Each one of the 150 designers with access was asked to bring six books that they found inspiring to spark creativity that will likely touch your lives in some shape or form in the days to come.]