Reassuring Reminders from the Grown-Up Tagore
Anita Ballaney
Creating and Delivering Future-Focused Healthcare Solutions (Strategy | Analytics | Operations | Patient Experience)
When I wrote “Refreshing reminders from little Tagore ”,? she was just a ten-month-old pup. Now, in what feels like the blink of an eye, Tagore is nearly eight years old. These years, including three during the pandemic, have been an incredible journey. Tagore has grown into a kind, self-assured, caring, and protective friend. While the world grappled with the "new normal" during and after the pandemic, Tagore helped establish our normal, which sustained us through the chaos and helped us thrive in the post-pandemic period.
Reflecting on the last seven years, I am reminded of the routines and mindfulness with Tagore that offered the resilience and reassurance needed to weather some of the toughest moments during these years. I call these the “Reassuring Reminders from the Grown-Up Tagore”
Routines Create robustness and resilience
Dogs are creatures of habit. They develop a sense of time and space for activities such as walks, meals, treats, play and even pooping. Over the seven years, after multiple adjustments, Tagore and I settled on a core routine that starts around 5:30 AM and ends around 11:00 PM. For Tagore, this means timely walks, meals, play time and poop time. For me, it means balancing personal well-being with professional work by incorporating physical exercise, social interactions and healthy meals alongside an eight to ten-hour workday.
Our core weekday routine remained consistent on weekends and holidays so that it allowed for walks, meals, play, and rest at the same time. During weekend and holidays some weekday tasks were replaced by meal prep, housekeeping, home maintenance, catching up on news, hikes, playdates with friends, and some social activities. The core routine did not change during the pandemic either. During the pandemic, the daily walks provided an opportunity to maintain human contact while following social-distancing norms. We formed a group of 10-12 dog parents in the neighborhood who bonded over memories of great restaurants in Atlanta, movies, theaters, sporting events, and other recreational activities.
During work-from-home days, Tagore became my 5:00 PM reminder to take a break from the desk. As I transitioned to the hybrid work model, I did my best to be home in time for Tagore’s evening walk, play and meal times. However, there were times when I was late due to unplanned meetings or errands. During those times, she waited patiently for me. Her response to the routines assured me that she understood and had faith that I would be home for her. Coming home to her wagging butt and excited hugs, followed by a dash to the backyard remains a priceless joy that all dog parents can relate to. Now I also had the confidence that not a single piece of furniture, paper, or footwear would be damaged. ?
We established monthly, quarterly, and annual routines to manage physical and mental health, finances, social well-being, travel, and continued learning.
These routines built an inherent robustness that became the most valuable tool in my toolkit during unforeseen events, from working long hours to the recent changes in my work situation. The self-assurance from this resilience is extremely empowering.
?Mindfulness is Key to Reassurance
While the successful repetition of mechanics builds physical and mental muscle memory, it is the mindfulness during routines that elevates holistic well-being. Over these years, there were times when I was frustrated and dissatisfied with other aspects of my life, and it showed in my body language during walks with Tagore. Like all dogs, Tagore remained in tune with my vibes and always responded with patience and compassion. Every once in a while, when I was unwell with headache or mild fever, she patiently sat by my side until I recovered. There were days when she wasn't herself during walks, playtimes, and meals. Paying attention to her behaviors also led to adjustments. Our responses to each other’s situations strengthened our trust and reassurance.
Establishing meaningful routines and making thoughtful adjustments, while responding with patience and compassion to unforeseen situations, is highly relevant in today's world and crucial for building resilient, trusting relationships. These traits—compassion, patience, trust, and thoughtful adaptation—are invaluable in everyday situations, whether in professional settings (between leaders, managers, and their teams) or in personal interactions
As we have both grown older and accept the wear and tear of our physical being, our routines continue to evolve. We remain faithful to them, as they have served us well for overall well-being. ?
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