Reassessing Show Concepts
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Reassessing Show Concepts


Looking back on how the show concepts outline, built up in 2020, in a free bonus episode, our first discovery should be that it was focused right away on technicalities to let us summarize the most critical points later.

Dealing with the means like Patreon instead focusing on what is already there as a long-term supportable solution has proven to be short-lived, though seemingly a practical idea. Now, as we have a mature idea in front of us, we can focus on the breakdown of the most essential points.

We have the points - which were previously introduced at the end of the Show Concepts bonus episode (audio here: - we can focus right away on what was fulfilled and what did not.

Goals and Mission

Spreading Knowledge

Firstly, what has proven to be a great success, is that the produced audio content has listeners and received positive criticism. This is the starting without which a flagship content-based hybrid model won’t work out, so all stakeholders can be happy about that. Listeners in the show's LinkedIn group (see here: awaited new episodes, so the show is probably well-targeted as a knowledge-spreading effort.

What can be better is the targeting of the business audience. Though no negative feedback was received from their side, there are few listeners from that group. Also, the ability to target a larger audience would be crucial for a show that has just finished its first season.

Making Programming Better

If we had to rely solely on having Functional paradigm-based programming languages in our toolset without putting in a well-defined and targeted community effort, then it would be a long shot to expect changing how industry-wide programming work.

#scala - a JVM programming language created in 2003 - itself, an OOP-Functional hybrid programming language, is a great idea to improve programming. As said in the second part of ProScala Podcasts’ Episode One (audio here: ), the game changer would be if the educational system would pick the Functional paradigm as the first thing to teach.

The latter requires a lobbying capability, and still, we have the goal of making our community have the power of advocacy in favor of tech like Scala. The first seems a long shot, and we still have much to go with the second one, as more community involvement is needed to accomplish that.

Financially Sustainable Business, Entrepreneurial Point of View

As said in the Show Concepts bonus episode (audio here: ), to keep this show on a mission (see above: Making Programming Better), the show needs its community income source. As highlighted in the bonus episode, show editorship should have the ability to follow the way of keeping the show popular while keeping the whole franchise on its mission.

Considering finances, this franchise is at the very beginning of its mission. From an entrepreneurial point of view: we have a framework (e.g., how to produce flagship content and marketing-aimed content), and more and more iterations are needed to approach goals and fulfill the mission. Going into detail with that is outwith the boundaries of this article. The best way to recap is to check out the entrepreneurial point of view and how a framework was set up in a learning-by-doing fashion.

See microchapters on Twitter on how doing a hybrid fashion #business evolved:


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