Reasons2Remain reaches a million
More and more people across the UK now realise that Brexit is a huge mistake.
A poll published by the Mail-on-Sunday revealed that most people in Britain now want another referendum.
Consistent polling by YouGov shows that most people in Britain now consider that the Brexit vote was wrong.
This week, Reasons2Remain has achieved a post reach of over one million on Facebook – and the numbers are rapidly climbing every hour.
The week isn’t over yet – but it looks like Brexit could be, soon.
The tide is turning.
Hardened Brexiters say it’s too late; the country can’t change its mind. But that just shows that they're against democracy.
On this page we say: Brexit can be stopped if that’s what Britain wants. You cannot be more democratic than that.
- If you’re one of the 17 million who voted for Brexit but have now changed your mind;
- if you’re one of the 16 million who voted against Brexit;
- if you’re one of more than 30 million who didn’t or couldn’t vote and are against Brexit:
- then, it’s time we let our political masters know what ‘the people’ really want.
Britain does not want Brexit. Politicians: take note. Follow the new ‘will of the people’.
? If you support our campaign, please like our page.
- Watch Jon Danzig's video, 'Can Britain stop Brexit?'