Reasons Your Business Should Own a Website in Today's World
A website is a single domain that consists of different web pages. Many people operate very successful website while a lot more do not see the real reasons to even own one. In this article, we examine some of the reasons people should own websites and show why it becomes misplaced not to own a website in today's business world. Statistics show over 3.5 billion internet users in the world today with Nigeria ranking number 8 with over 90million users based on the ownership of internet connections.
With this staggering number, if you have a business and don't have a website, you are losing out on great opportunities for your business. To many, being on the top ranking list is the only way to run successfully, but that is actually far from the truth. With long-tail keywords and focus on smaller niches, it has become possible to operate successful websites that serve smaller localities.
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A website can be used to accomplish many different growth strategies to help your business expansion programme. As a business owner, you need to know where your consumers are. But what if consumers know your business and what you can offer, but they can't reach you? That is one of the risks you take by not having a website for your business. Owning a website helps your availability all the time and limits the problem of distance.
So, generally, what are the benefits of owning a website?
There are several reasons people setup a website. It varies as it depends on the purpose or objective of the website owner. However, there is some agreement that these reasons below justify owning a website especially for a business.
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Why A Business Should Own A Website
Cost Effectiveness
When compared to a shop, a website is incredibly cheaper to run and operate. It takes a few dollars to get a hosting account packed with free scripts and templates. Once you understand how to set these up, you can get your website running within 24hours and at less than 30US Dollars for one whole year.
On the other hand, a physical location for a business could cost up to 1,000 U.S. Dollars to pay for accommodation. Getting the layout in place could cost even more.
Besides the initial setup costs, a brick and mortar store is susceptible to many risks out of the ordinary occurrences which could blow out the costs such as leaving the lights on, theft, damage, extra staff etc.
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A website provides tremendous benefits and costing outlines. In fact, you make enormous savings with a website. A website will serve as your point of sale and does not require a physical office. This has been one of the most exciting features of the website/online business. The benefit of starting a business without any legal registration requirements, physical location and yet build trust and become a very successful business.
24/7 Accessibility
Your website will be available and accessible to deliver services 24/7/365. People can order at any time even though delivery can be done hours later. A website helps to ensure that businesses are not lost to non-business hours. Imagine that you want to buy from a store.
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You put in all the effort required to go to the store, but when you get there, it's closed. We all know how irate we feel in that situation. On the other hand, with a website, purchases can be made at any time since a website is operational round the clock.
Whether it involves purchasing, window shopping, price comparison or any other purchase related activity, the convenience of doing them all from your room with the help of your laptop or mobile device makes websites more convenient than any form of convenience benefits can be attributed to physical shops. What is more convenient: driving outside to look for different stores that are available to shop in, or sitting in the comfort of your own home and shopping for the products you're looking for? Pretty obvious answer, unless you like to be aimlessly driving around. Smart businesses realize this and have their own website housing their products and services so that potential customers can browse online for the products they want to purchase.
By building a website you are giving your business the opportunity to tell consumers why they should trust you and the testimonials and facts to back up those opportunities. Most people will search the internet for a product or service before the purchase to check the credibility first. When you provide good service or product, positive word-of-mouth about your business is likely to spread.
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This in turn, delivers more repeat and new business. People tend to trust a business after they have done business with it. Using your website, you can continuously serve consumers online and increase your credibility as a business owner.
Generate Sales
The future of ever business is reliant on the sales it generates from where profits are also realized. Without sales, or selling more than you spend, your business is doomed. By having an online presence you allow for the sale of your products or services around the clock to whoever and whenever and with no or hardly any limitations. In short, being visible worldwide means you are very likely to gain more customers. The more customers and visitors you have, the more sales you will generate.
As an extension of the sales generation explained above, websites provides opportunity for good promotion. Having a website and online presence strategy allows you to market your business online. There are lots of marketing strategies you can use to advertise or promote your business. All online marketing strategies have been proven to be effective. You can effectively share your website address on social media like Facebook thereby enabling visitors to these platforms to click and have a look at your offerings.
Websites Serve as Online brochure
When you send in your proposals along with your website address included, it becomes easy for assessors to visit your website and carefully understand your business capabilities. A website gives you a voice in your absence. It speaks for you when no one will be there to do so. Companies spend millions creating brochures and distributing them. But with having a website in place, you can skip that entirely and simply promote your websites to your target audience.. Your potential customers can find out about you and any of your products online. If you get most of your business through networking and personal connections, then they will want to check out your website.
More customers
More than 2.4 billion people use the internet every day, and some 90% of those have purchased something, or contacted a company, online in the last 12 months. That speaks volumes of the potential benefits of a website especially when it is well designed. So by not having a website, you will be missing out on a big piece of the pie.
Business value
One of the conditions for partnerships these days is a website. Businesses want to view the websites of those intend to form partnerships with. And websites have been very useful in building great partnerships especially between people separated by long distance, businesses located on separate continents and in cases where several meetings would have been required, websites have effectively bridged the gaps.
By having a website potentially thousands of people are going to see it. You are able to influence people's decisions and educate them. You simply ensure that your website contain valuable information that are continually updated to reflect contemporary happenings, it influences people's thinking and behavior and make you a reference point.
Gives you a voice
Have you ever been in an argument with someone and said Well, I have written an article about that on my website, and actually, that isn't the case. It feels great! For some reason people don't want to argue with you if you've written about something on your website. It also gives you a place where you can voice your Customer support. You can greatly reduce the cost of customer support by have a ticketing system, or even just an FAQ on your website.
Do business your own way
With your own website, you set your own rules. You don't need permission from your boss or company lawyer. On the internet, the playing field is level. Your website can even be well ahead of those of leading companies and that simply means you have the opportunity to generate and manage your sales to a point where you can beat the big guys. Websites enable competition with big firms and even beat them at it.
Instant credibility
Have you ever had difficulty making that sale or convincing someone that you have a good product and able to provide the god service. A website takes over the burden of convincing your potentials and winning the sales for you. By having a well structured website you can foster instant credibility with anyone. You can provide the ultimate proof that you are, in fact, the realest of all deals and you can win easily.
Does Owning a Website Require That You Own a Domain?
Each business covets a site. A business that does not have a site is similar to a natural product slow down without any organic products. There are numerous free site creation instruments and web hosting open for anybody to utilize, one could be enticed to inquire as to why it is fundamental for you to claim a unique domain name? Wouldn't you be able to just host your business site on one among these free platforms?
In case you're not kidding with respect to maintaining a business, then your own particular name is completely important and i will demonstrate to you why you should own your own domain name. can be substantially different from The later tells your visitors that you just mean business, while the former basically doesn't loan an equal demeanor of authenticity. A business, paying little mind to however little, merits its own particular site. The free platforms like aren't to a great degree customizable. If you would like your audience to take you seriously, make your website to remain all alone.
Hit the nail on the head from the earliest starting point
In the event that you don't act sufficiently, the domain name for your business can be taken by another person before you. Looking for your own domain implies that you're fundamentally going to have a particular name. Regular words and non specific sounding site names are now long gone. Domain names that are easy to recall and easy to sort tend to attract extra costs and intrigue and are truly hard to get. Ordinarily, the favored domain name would have been purchased by another person. On the off chance that you might want to utilize that domain, you'll have to purchase it from the current owner through a transaction procedure and it can be entirely costly to purchase such domain name.
Cheap to Register
On the off chance that a domain name is free, it will be very tedious to buy it from a current owner or a registrar. Most web hosting firms do offer free domains when you order a one year web hosting.
More noteworthy Control
Owning your area offers you bounty extra control over your site. The free administrations that WordPress, blogger gives singularly give you limited control. they here and there empower you to adjust numerous things around, however free sites are generally built in view of pre-planned subjects and gadgets. Including extravagant things like glimmer players or structures are regularly more strong to attempt and do. More often than not, you can't even customize. Extra serious customization in some cases are not allowed.
You have the freedom to alter much every feature of your own site the moment you get your own particular domain name. In the event that you have a website admin working for you, then this is frequently much a simple one. You don't wish your site needing kind of a carbon of another person's site and customizations are feasible for all aspects of your site.
Simpler to include Ads
In case you're getting the opportunity to monetize your site with promotions, or on the off chance that you just wish advertisements for the sole purpose of getting them, then looking for your own domain is basic. Free web service administrations practically never encourage advertisements. On the off chance that they do, advertisement regions will be limited to paid subscribers and they may even need to take a cut out of the commercial income. None of those issues emerge with your domain.
Assists with Web Traffic
Having your own particular domain helps with SEO. You can upgrade your own site to drive much activity. Having your domain makes it simpler to attract visitors and build up a powerful on-line vicinity, each of that are fundamental for developing your business.