Reasons why you should conduct Hybrid Product Demonstrations
With the industry of Events going Virtual in 2020, Brands began questioning and coming up with ways to launch their new products to introduce them into the market and to their target audience. The pandemic also created issues with reaching a larger audience to create brand awareness.
Hence, with the entrance of 2022,?Hybrid Events?are the in thing right now, and nothing could be better for you as a brand to not just launch your products but also reach a larger audience.Still not sure? Here are a few reasons why you, as a brand, should look at Hybrid Product Launch Events for the grand entrance of your products into the market!
Greater reach and Boosted visibility
Number of attendees and proximity no longer pose a problem when employing Hybrid mode for your product launches. Make use of a well-planned and designed physical venue for your on-site attendees, and an appropriate virtual platform for your virtual attendees. Due to the global audience that hybrid product launches attract, brands experience a boost in visibility and brand awareness. The money that is usually spent on travel and stays is no longer spent, which becomes an added advantage for virtual attendees. Ensure that the virtual platform can host maximum attendees to prevent crash in case of a sudden increase in number.
Boosted Engagement
Make use of your virtual platform to boost engagement. The Virtual Platform helps attendees clarify their doubts and interact with brand representatives, which boosts engagement. Employ polls, Q&A sessions, breakout rooms and chat boxes to help your attendees interact with speakers and brand representatives.
The Virtual Platform helps attendees clarify their doubts and interact with brand representatives, which boosts engagement.
*Tip: Incorporate enough breaks between sessions to keep your attendees fresh and alert. This will ensure that there is engagement throughout the event.
Post-event session recordings
Using a virtual platform, recordings of all sessions will be available post-event as well. These recordings can be made freely available, or can be used as exclusive or paid content. This is also an excellent way to monetize your ticketing (tiered ticketing).
Trackability and Analytics
Right from registration to the end of the event, a virtual platform will allow you to track the activity of all your attendees throughout the event. Which products they took an interest in, when and where they commented, and when they were most active, and even how they found out about and reached your registration link; all of these analytical information bits and pieces become available to you with the help of a virtual platform. These pointers help you to improve on upcoming events and maintain leads and communication with previous attendees too.
Attendee Feedback
You can use a scribble board for attendees to give feedback. It becomes a more unique and interesting way to leave feedback while the event is ongoing. This scribble board can be made available on-site as well as on the virtual platform.
Post-event, for specific pointers, you can use attendee information present on your virtual site to reach out to your attendees with a survey via mail.
In conclusion, if you are looking to conduct a product launch or product demonstration for your new and upcoming products, hybrid launches are the way to go! Hence, when you go with hybrid event, you will reach larger audience around the globe.