Reasons WHY Personalized Gifts are the BEST
Samantha Graff Benmor
Award-Winning Realtor | Experienced in Luxury, Divorce, & Estate Property Sales | Serving Buyers & Sellers Since 1995 | Client-Focused | Toronto GTA & International Real Estate Liaison at Harvey Kalles Real Estate|
In a world inundated with different products all competing for the “best gift” title, it’s not hard to find a quick gift for someone. But does that gift express how you feel about the recipient? Is it something of value? Will it offer joy, and show you know and care about them? I do not believe so, and here’s why. It’s not personal.
Unlike mass produced products flooding the market, personalized gifts and services are gaining more exposure. They have become a huge contender in the gift-giving market, and it’s no surprise why.
Personalized Gifts work for Everyone
We all want the absolute best for our loved ones and those we are looking to build relationships with. Seeing them smile with genuine appreciation at something we’ve given them is enough to send us soaring with happiness.
One of my favourite Sammy G's client shares was from a realtor when he called, text and emailed me (no joke all 3, as he was that excited to share his first Sammy G's gift giving experience) and said, "Sam you were right! When I gave my clients (a young couple) their Sammy G's personalized robes they were giddy with excitement. They tried them on right in front of me and were all smiles. It made me FEEL so good. It was so different than giving any other gift I have done in the past. The best was their friends dropped by and were so impressed and even said out loud "Our realtor did not even buy us a gift" It made me feel like a super hero! Thank you so much for challenging me to switch to personalized gifts. I have another group to order robes for this month. I just need to confirm spelling of a few names"
Being a realtor myself for 23 years and owning for 20 years, I have always believed Maya Angelou said it best....
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
With that being said, it’s not always easy to knock gift giving out of the park. And the truth is, some people are way harder to buy for than others. But with a little (or a lot of) thought Personalized Gifts offers you something personal for literally anyone in your life, be it men, women, kids, or even your elderly aunt that has it all.