Why should you choose an Automatic Capsule Filling over Manual Capsule Filling Machine!
Jicon Technologies Pvt Ltd
Manufacturer of pharmaceutical processing and packaging machines since 1984
Frequently the startup pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare organizations (especially with Herbal Or Ayurveda medicine background) prefer to go ahead with Manual Capsule Filling Machine to minimize the capital investment cost. However, they often miss out on the key points that not only adversely affect their business, but also poses a threat to the consumers and/or patients of these medicines or nutraceuticals.
Here are a few points of concern, which are not only dangerous in patients’ safety point of view, but also are alarming in the business point of view:
1.??????Inaccurate and inconsistent dosage filling inside the capsules.
2.??????High chances of contamination with dust, toxic substances and micro-organisms due to manual handling of capsules.
3.??????Chances of capsules getting damaged during handling.
4.??????High chances of capsules or the formulation catching moisture during the filling and handling process.
5.??????Manpower to Capsules produced ratio is very high.
6.??????Manual capsule filling machines can quickly become insufficient to cater to your future expansion plans.
Usually, the price difference between a Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine and a Manual capsule filling machine with loader is not more than Rs. 7 to 8 lakhs in India.
Given this, even someone with a production requirement of as low as 25,000 capsules per month, can easily recover the capital investment cost of a semi-automatic capsule filling machine in 1 to 2 years.