Even the most collaborative team across globe requires guidance. Imagine an eight-person rowing team. Each of the position serves the purpose toward one goal: crossing the finish line first. The rower at the bow is concerned about the balance.? Those in rest of the seats work like an engine, some reserving the power while other use their strength to produce fluid and fast momentum.
Arguably the important role- the Cox- doesn’t hold an oar. The cox doesn’t provide the team with muscle, but with motivation and direction. The rowers power goes to waste without the vision of COX and strategy. The cox steers the rhythm of team and pace to keep one athlete from carrying too much of the collective burden.
Business leaders should also work on the same manner: by motivating their team and challenging their talent into a single and powerful operations.? But for an overwhelming numbers of company today, effective leadership is lacking. What’s behind the disparity of leadership? One reason which could be sited is a mass exit of established employees and managers. It’s just because few of them said that they would like to shift to more supervisory roles and their rise doesn’t offset the effect of the resignations. Now most of the businesses do understand the requirement of leadership development, even though there are few who are ready to deliver.
There was a study done through which reports shows that there were around 83% of respondent reported significant gaps in the skills, while around 47% predicted a gap of leadership and executive level skills.? Faith in new leaders shrinks as more tested and tried managers resigns. The changes don’t have to be negative. As new talents bring new expectations, including what they need from leader.? What pushed manager in the past may not connect with the next generations of employees. Great leaders are, above all innovators.
How do we know that leaders will adapt to the challenges of tomorrow? Let’s get into the common reasons why some leaders fall and others take workforce to new heights.
There are few leaders who find themselves in the right time at the right place. Maybe they rise to the occasion at a critical juncture or find a solution no one else could.? But what makes a leader in a moment doesn’t make them for ever. Likewise, it’s rare- not impossible – for one wrong decision to sabotage an otherwise great leader.
Consistency, fluidity, vision and grace define long –term success. Each of the following issues undermines these principles significantly.
Change is inevitable, and surely is going to take place, but not every leader accepts it as such.? Even the most effective operations are forced to slow down when facing the unexpected and unknown.? Pushing forward without pause risks an avalanche of unintended consequences.
According to lots of survey, the most frequent cause for an executive’s derailment is “difficulty adapting to change”.? It could range from refusing to accept the global trend or routinely ignoring the needs of newer staff. Leaders sometimes predict the next big thing happening. But it’s just as important, if not more so, to acknowledge a trend and adjust accordingly.
When someone finds difficulty in adapting, then it means that they are struggling from listening and observing. Let’s return to the row boat analogy: yes, the cox is dedicated to giving the other rowers direction, but this direction doesn’t just pop into their head randomly. Instead, its informed. By noticing a vulnerability or blind spot and notifying team, the cox modifies their instructions without sacrificing speed. The value of strong communication far outweighs the edge of an extra paddle.
Though a leader might be deemed the head” of a group, but still they are part of it. The quality of the leader dictates the quality of a team and vice-versa. Like any collaboration, a mutual understanding must exist. Even insightful and keen employees have no way of reading minds; they have to hear intentions. Employees follow leaders who are easy to understand, as it’s clear case of open and clear communication. In Business News Daily, Sanjay Patoliya, founder of the app developer Teclogiq explained effective leadership is derived from transparency and honesty. He said that when you are responsible for the people, “it is important to be straightforward”. Your employee and company are reflective of yourself, and if you make effective and honest behaviour a key value, then they are going to follow.
But for sure it’s not same for all employees, as few of them can prefer- Face-to-Face conversations, private interactions and others can prefer via emails or text. Experiments plays an active part, but it never hurts to ask. Whichever means you communicate, just ensure that it’s genuine.? Employees are going to forgive an honest mistake or an occasional misstep, but few will accept constant insincerity.
Every leader wants to do something meaningful.? It could be transforming an industry, giving people the means to live simpler or better beating the competition.? None of the goals mentioned are wrong, but they are not exactly right without clear strategy to accomplish them.
?Employees can’t help reach a goal if it’s unclear how it impacts them. Organizational and personal dreams aren’t the same, and they can’t be forced into one another. No worthwhile goal is possible without considering the greater whole and understanding of values, culture and principles.? The three factors shouldn’t shift on a whim. Hard-to follow objectives impact a business at every level. When employees are in the dark about why they are working it can yield-inefficiency, conflict, attrition and lacklustre customer service.? There could be chances of disagreement. Leading the diverse team with flexibility may force you to challenge your perspective.
Confidence is inseparable from strong leadership. It’s not hard for an employee to lose faith if their managers frequently uncertain. Nervous laughter, shrugs or questionable silence are as inspiring as they are productive. But again, leaders are people. They miscalculate and make mistakes. They continue to grow and learn as much as anybody.? Expecting them to be 100% accurate every time is unrealistic.? However, we should expect their willingness to admit their fault and move accordingly.? They should offer some flexibility for a different approach. There are lots of people who prove themselves and move to leadership. An arrogant leader may appear strong on the surface, but a brief conversation with team reveals a slew of uncomfortable truths.? You might hear something like-
“My manager never listens to us”
“we’re being worked to the bone”
“why are we doing these task”
“I don’t think our supervisor’s cares about us”
To be a leader means to be placed under pressure, but it’s not exclusive to them.? The success of employees is synonyms to leaders. Baseless, unilateral decisions built on the idea of “I was right once and I’ll be right again” are liable to fail.
Suppose an arrogant leader is technically right most of the time. Is it worth harming the health of their team? Remember, leading is listening. Without credibility, one only goes so far. Lashing out at employees or belittling them for approaching a task differently shatters their trust.