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The approval of President Nana Addo's Ministers by Ghana's parliament, especially with the support of some NDC Minority MPs, caused widespread anger among Ghanaians on March 24th, 2023. Many people believed that the NDC MPs should have remained loyal to their party and opposed the nominations. Despite this criticism, there are valid reasons why Ghanaians should refrain from blaming the minority NDC MPs for their decision to vote for the nominees.
It is essential to recognize that the vote was conducted in secret, and MPs could vote freely without fear of retribution from their parties or constituents. In such cases, MPs are more likely to vote based on their personal convictions and the merits of the nominees, rather than along party lines. This is the essence of democracy, as it allows for independent thinking and decision-making.
The approval of ministers is a critical aspect of governance in Ghana, and it is essential that the President's nominees are competent and capable of delivering on their mandates. The minority NDC MPs may have voted for the nominees because they believed they were the best candidates for the job and not necessarily because they wanted to curry favor with the ruling government.
Some of the minority NDC MPs may have voted for the nominees due to self-interest. For instance, some MPs may have had personal relationships with the nominees or may have been promised future benefits for their constituents in exchange for their vote. While such actions are not ethical, they are not necessarily illegal, and MPs may feel compelled to act in their self-interest, especially if they believe it will benefit their constituents.
It is possible that some of the minority NDC MPs were blackmailed or coerced by the ruling government to vote for the nominees. While this is a severe allegation, it is not unheard of in politics. Governments may use various tactics, such as threatening to withdraw funding from constituencies or taking legal action against MPs, to force them to vote a particular way. MPs who find themselves in such situations may feel that they have no choice but to vote for the nominees to protect their constituents or avoid harm to themselves.
Also, important to note that not all members of a political party will always agree on every issue. It is natural for there to be differences in opinion and ideology, even within the same party. The minority NDC MPs who voted for the President's nominees may have had valid reasons for doing so, and it is unfair to judge them without understanding their perspective.
So, the decision by some of the minority NDC MPs to vote for the President's nominees should not be seen as a betrayal of their party or a disregard for the will of Ghanaians. Instead, it should be seen as a reflection of the complexities of politics, where personal interests, friendship, blackmail, and pressure from various sources may influence decision-making. While MPs should always act in the best interest of their constituents, it is crucial to recognize that their decisions may be influenced by various factors beyond party directives. Therefore, Ghanaians should be cautious about rushing to blame MPs without fully understanding the circumstances that led to their decision to vote for the President's nominees.