Reasons to get a Caribbean passport
Varun Chandra
Investment Advisor | Residential Property Investments | Golden Visa | Succession Planning | Citizenship by Investment
The Caribbean countries i.e., Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, Antigua & Barbuda, and St. Kitts & Nevis have simple and straightforward procedures for issuing passports. The processes are now online, and the time for consideration of applications and the costs have decreased. We will talk about the reasons to apply for a passport of one of the Caribbean islands.
#1 Remote processing
All Caribbean Islands countries’ programs have moved online. The?investor does not?need to?travel to?the?country to?bring documents or pick up a?passport. All programs allow you to?receive certificates of?citizenship and passports at?a?convenient address. We will receive your documents from?the?CBI unit at FlyingColour Head office and you can collect your new passport from there.
#2 Scans instead of?originals
The?Caribbean countries start to?consider applications immediately after?submitting scans of?documents through?a?special state Internet portal. Grenada and Antigua and Barbuda decided to?abandon the?originals altogether. For?other programs, originals can be submitted later. The?main thing is that this should be done before?the?application is approved.
#3 Reduced list of?documents
Antigua and Barbuda has reduced the?basic list of?documents with?which the?program department begins to?process an application for?citizenship. Other documents can be submitted later during?the?Due Diligence.
But the?reduction of?the?basic list does not?mean that the?CBI unit cannot?request additional documents and clarifications.
#4 Applications are considered faster
This benefit follows from?the?previous one. You no?longer need to?wait for?the?mail to?deliver the?original documents: the?application will be considered as soon as the?scans are received. This will save the?investor a?couple of?weeks.
#5 Simplified requirements for?documents
Grenada has changed the?document requirements to?ensure that investors have no?problem certifying and forwarding copies. Previously, the?authenticity of?document copies for?the?Grenada citizenship program was certified only by?notaries. Now lawyers, legal consultants and local agents have such a?right.
The?deadline for?submitting HIV test results and a?certificate of?no?criminal record has been extended. Previously, they were valid for?three months from?the?date of?receipt, but now they can be submitted within six months.
#6 Saving time
Even if the?program requires you to?send original documents, an online application saves time. CBI units begin Due Diligence as soon as scans are received. The?check takes 1—3 months. It remains only to?send the?originals and get a?passport.
Another reason to?hurry up is possible queues at?visa centres after?the?pandemic. Due to?the?increased number of?applications, it will be difficult to?quickly obtain a?visa and leave the?country for?business or leisure. In?this case, a?passport of?a?Caribbean country with?the?right to?visa-free entry to?140+ countries, including the?Schengen zone, will come in?handy.
#7 Less spending
The investment options start with just $100,000.
Antigua and Barbuda has halved the?amount for?real estate investment.?There is an option to?purchase real estate at?a?reduced cost of?$200,000. Previously, the?minimum investment amount for?one investor was twice as high?— $400,000. Moreover, in?order to?use the?option for?$200,000, it was necessary to?team up with?another investor.
Payments for?joining children to?the?program have decreased: the?threshold for?children under?five years of?age has been reduced by?2.5 times, and the?payment for?children from?6 to?17 years has decreased by?20%.
Dominica reduced the?contribution to?the?state fund for?the?investor’s spouse.?Previously, it was necessary to?pay $75,000, and now it is $50,000.
Saint Lucia has halved the?amount of?investment in?government bonds.?Until?December 31st, 2022, an investor can buy special securities?— the?Covid Relief Bonds?— for?$250,000. The?standard amount to?invest in?government bonds is $500,000.
The?gratuitous contribution to?the?state fund has also decreased for?families. For?a?single investor, the?contribution has not?changed.
#8 Long stay in?the?EU and the?UK
A?Caribbean passport allows you to?stay in?the?UK for?up to?180 consecutive days and spend 90 days in?the?Schengen countries within six months. A?long period of?stay makes it possible to?relax, visit children or undergo treatment in?a?European clinic.
In?most European countries, medicine is at?a?high level. The?ability to?receive quality treatment is always important, but especially during?a?pandemic, when urgent medical care may be required.
#9 Business opportunities
Citizenship in?a?Caribbean country allows you to?open foreign currency accounts and optimize taxes through?residency.
#10 Study in?the?UK
Caribbean passports allow you to?apply for?student visas already in?the?UK. Parents with?Caribbean passports can visit their children and live in?the?UK for?up to?six months.
The?Caribbean countries that issue passports under?the?investor programs are part of?the?British Commonwealth of?Nations. Many British universities, such as the?University of?South Wales or the?Queen Mary University of?London, allocate quotas for?Commonwealth citizens. The?children of?investors have the?opportunity to?get an education on?preferential terms.
For expert guidance regarding?Citizenship and Residency programs?for multiple countries and to choose the best option suitable to your needs, get in touch with FlyingColour Immigration, we offer assistance in global residency, citizenship, and investment migration programs. For more information, contact our experts at +971 529933135, write at [email protected] or visit our website: