Reasons to Elect LHG For President

My name is Leigh Howard Gudeman and I'm here to let you know I'm running for President of the United States of America as a Compassionate Independent Republican. And I am running as Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. And I am not just a Republican I am an American.

And as an American I want you to know that I believe that, “Together We Can” see to it that our government becomes truly a Government For the People, Of the People and by the People.With Liberty and Justice for all! And I mean for all.

Together WE Can Create a Government that will work for the betterment of every citizen of These United States. 

“When We The People come to the realization Each of us has a voice,"Together We Can” speak out for what We want, and there is power in numbers then, the problems that plague us will be solved. 

Then“Together We Can” begin to function and live at a new level of Cooperation, each of us contributing to the greater good. Giving us all the promise of America, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the ability to bring about a Government by the People for the People and of the people With Liberty and Justice for all." Leigh Howard Gudeman 

A little About me

I love our country and all it stands for and what I SEE IS BEING DONE TO HER IS APPALLING 

Well, I am not waiting for someone to do something about it. I am stepping up to fix what needs fixing and I invite you not to wait either and join with me to fix what needs fixing. I am dedicated to a Government of inclusion. 

I live by this golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. therefor, I Am a stand, for Liberty and Justice for all. I am A Strong Stand for a $15.00 Minimum wage. A Strong stand for Woman’s rights and an ERA that will include the right to choose ones own gender. I am a strong stand against Crimes of Violence and Crimes against the constitution Including intolerance and discrimination. 

 I do not how to say this any other way. As Average americans, we must come together to fight for what is right. “Together We Can” achieve a better life for all.  For too long my party has been the party of trickle down economics. Trickle Down Economics has meant the majority of our citizens get the smallest slice of the pie. I personally know what seeking to make ends meet feels like.

The stupidity of trickle down economics how it stops the movement of money and stifles the human spirit. This form of economics does not even serve the wealthy.

After living in Rockford Illinois, I know what it is to live in a place where the shift of industry has devastated the economy. I been personal exposed to the plight of a community of color and the despair in their lives. And I have lived in San Diego California and have an understanding of the cost of housing and how it brings homelessness to the working class. 

Therefore, I purpose: Together We Can shift gears to a more fluid economy. Let's call it a Bubble Up Economy. We begin with a minimum wage of at least of15 dollars an hour, adjusted by the cost of living in high cost areas .Equal pay for equal work.

I know health insurance is on everybody’s mind. Well no need to worry no one is going to take your health insurance away. And everyone will be able to get coverage regardless of prior conditions.Under my administration, everyone will want to get health insurance. Why? Because the cost will be a Tax Credit from your Income Taxes. So you will want to purchase Good health insurance and not some high decidable plan either.

And just like you, I am just an ordinary guy. I have never made more than 50,0000 dollars in a year and most years a lot less. I have struggled to survive in a world of ever increasing costs. I want you to know I have no outrageous plans, no hype designed just to get your vote. 

Everything I purpose is down to earth and accomplishable because Together We Can. And every thing I purpose brings with it more Jobs. "Together We Can" stop worrying about tomorrow and take a deep breath and relax. Together we can all return to the family values we truly hold dear. 

Together We Can create a country that is on the path. The path to a brighter future as we move forward into the 21 century. So let's look at some of the other major issues.None of these are more important than any other. Each of these will be addressed.

Just know No President can do any of these things without support of the public. Together We Can work to fix all the issues.

 Gun Control,We will never take away the Gun ownership of our citizens. “A country who citizens own guns is a country that will never have a Dictator.” Leigh Howard Gudeman We do however have a problem with gun violence and that must be addressed. 

I invite the NRA to join me and regain respect of its members and call for, comprehensive background checks. Every one who owns an assault fire arm must register that weapon so they may keep it. Not doing so they will face enormous consequences. Under my administration, Persons who sell Guns to those who should not own a weapon will receive very very long jail sentences and financial consequences.  

The Border between Mexico and the US

We can bring this Major issue to quick conclusion. With a fast rollout of a border wall. Every physical wall, has proven vulnerable to being cut through or climbed over or dug under. The physical wall we now have, has blow down or be tunneled under or cut through. 

Let us step into the 21st century with a Wall made up of an Electronic Surveillance system. This wall will see activity above ground and be able to hear activity beneath the ground. With border patrol personnel in place watching and listing This wall will enable them to stop anyone seeking to enter our country.

Veterans Issues 

As your President I will see to it our Veterans receive the treatment they are entitled to. In my 1st week as president I will through executive order I will see to it all veterans have access to health care through any method they choose. No waiting, with the ability to go to any doctor or hospital.No dodging any cause of their suffering. This will relive the waiting lists and give our veterans hospitals a chance to get straightened out and brought up to current standards. What can I say, we all owe our Veterans a debt of gratitude. They have put their lives on the line for us. We need to do to do much more and much better for them. Many too many homeless are veterans and many are taking their own lives. Shame on us.

.Women’s Rights First Together We Can pass the ERAI believe in the right of every individual to have control over their own body. Having said that me personally I do not stand for Abortion.

 So Regarding abortion, I say, let us find a way to support women during this time in their lives, with love and concern for their physical and mental health and the wellbeing of the child. Together We Can create of a system that will support those women who have become pregnant, not by choice. With No religious doctrine pushed down the throats. Giving these woman the support the need Which will give them the possibility to keep their child or have the child adopted. Knowing their child will receive the care and love they are not able to provide would bring them peace.  

With Programs of support in place should they choose to have an abortion we should support that decision fully as well. For each of us is responsible for our actions and the emotional consequences there of.

Gender Issues and Sexual Orientation issuesWith passage of ERA including the right of every individual to have control over their own body. Including,The Choice of Gender or Sexual orientation.without being subject to discrimination. These issues will need to be addressed and I will call on leaders in these communities to work with me to generate workable solutions.


Advancements in Industry in the 21st Century. 

There are certain jobs and even entire industries that are being phased out of existence by changes in technologies and new discoveries. For example, we are not as dependent on coal as we once wereWhen workers have been displaced it will be up to the government, to made sure that they were taken care of. With training and resources to move into the 21st Century. No one should be made to suffer the financial consequences of the changing world.

Our Cities 

Let's take a look at the cities we live in. The infrastructure of our cities, our bridges and roads, are crumbling, in disrepair. Many of us are too well aware of it. We simply need to fix this. And fixing it means Jobs and more Jobs!

  As your President, rectifying this will be a number one priority. We will need to create massive amounts of affordable housing for our far too many homeless, many of whom are veterans. And fixing this creates more Jobs! We must go into the inner cities and support the residents, not only those on the streets now but also those who are being forced out by high rents.

The issue of Gangs must be addressed, not by tossing the gang members in jail but by discovering how we can help them to move beyond their current futures.


Farm issues  For our farmers we will need to find ways to keep them profitable and provide better insurance save them from the circumstances brought about by changing and variable weather conditions. As your President I will see to it that we address these and other issues facing our farmers. 


Immigration There are lots of opposing views.

The way I see it, thousands of workers come into this country to work in our fields. They earn relatively little for their efforts and are sometimes abused by their employers.

As your President: Together We Can, bring about a guest worker program. We will vet everyone who comes into the country. Because with our Electronic Wall only those who come here will have come here through our ports of entry.They would then be documented as a Guest Worker. Should they commit any crime while here they will no longer Abe able to return as well as expelled should they be found guilty.

Those seeking any form of Asylum must be treated with dignity. Once we are be certain they are not fleeing from the law in their country, only then will they be allowed to stay. Learning English for those seeking to become naturalized citizens will be a must. With the exceptions of the very elderly or those medically disabled. Plus we must include additional training to enable them to assimilate into the population. Those who are undesirable shall be sent back to their country of origin. And I am for a wall, as I said earlier, plus, we must add ports of entry and create the necessary staff to run them.

Little by little the middle class has had their tax benefits cut, ever so slowly, since so that people would not notice. We all need some breathing room!

As your President I will restore tax benefits that have eased the burden on all of us. First, as I said earlier, health insurance and health-related costs will be a 100% Tax Credit for everyone. Interest on Credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, state income and home owners regional taxes and sales taxes will become fully deductible,


Schools Kindergarten through 12 need to be restructured to teach what is needed in the 21st Century including the restoration of hand writing the dumbing down of our citizens has to stop. In my first week I will through executive order I will eliminate all interest charges for government student loans. And I will look to even go further to ease the burden of student loans.

Too many college students and Graduates are drowning under the current Student Loan Program. The cost of higher education has outpaced inflation. Collage needs to become affordable and colleges and universities have taken advantage of the fact you can get a loan and jacked up costs just because you can get a loan. This needs to be fixed as well. 

What Divides Us As your President, I will address all issues of Color and Religion and ethnic background . And you should know I see only the human Race.  

As your President I know, “Together We Can”. build a better life for all our all our citizens.

Thanking you in advance for your Support!

Leigh Howard Gudeman 

“Together WE Can”



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