Reasonable adjustments: helping you create an inclusive workplace
Recruit, keep and empower a diverse workforce with ClearTalents, workplace inclusion, and reasonable adjustment experts
News, views and tips to make the workplace better for all
Hybrid working is here to stay but have you brought your hybrid workforce with you?
As employers default to the Home Office it would be easy to assume that the environment is more inclusive. However, the truth is it can be tougher to monitor and manage staff wellbeing when you have a team that's working remotely. Being an Inclusive Employer will help you attract diverse talent and enhance your reputation.
One of the challenges is keeping personal connections and there's a risk that remote employees will feel lonely. As the lines between work and home blur, there's also a risk that employees will burn out or forget to take regular breaks. This month, we've been offering top tips for employers on both of these topics.
A longer-term view on Covid-19
Employers have yet to fully evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on the workforce, but it's likely many people will live with the after-effects long-term. There are around 15 million people in the UK living with long-term conditions, according to The King's Fund. Not all long-term conditions are obvious. For example, you may have employees managing conditions such as diabetes in your workforce. Have you made Reasonable Adjustments for them?
Taking pride in raising awareness
Pride Month
This Month we honour Pride! Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship, to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and how in places there's still work to be done. Pride month is about acceptance, equality, celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people, education in LGBTQ+ history and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. June also celebrated Autism Pride Day, which we celebrated with an article on how you can support Autistic People in your workplace.
The language of diversity and inclusion
Language matters and words do sting.?It was great to see singer-songwriter?#Lizzo?rerelease her new single "Grrrls" with a lyric change after it sparked heated discussions online.?The language we use when referring to diverse groups matters. However, many avoid discussing diversity and inclusion for fear of getting it wrong. We must keep the conversation going, so if people slip, we don't berate but educate and welcome them into a community.?
Tourette's Awareness Day
7th June was Tourette's Awareness Day. Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological condition that affects around 300,000 people in the UK. The most recognisable symptom of Tourette’s are tics, involuntary sounds, or movements. Many people with Tourette’s also suffer from co-curring conditions such as ADHD, OCD, and anxiety.
Carers Week
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise their contribution to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.