The Reason You’ve Hit a Ceiling in Your Batting Performance

The Reason You’ve Hit a Ceiling in Your Batting Performance

Here’s WHY you’ve hit a ceiling in your batting performance and no matter how hard you train you just can’t breakthrough the ceiling

You’ve formed habits that have become unconscious and it’s these habits that are causing your ceiling

Unconscious habits in how you THINK, TRAIN and PLAY


The key to breakthrough your self-created ceiling in performance starts with self-awareness

Here’s an example

I do calisthenics, outdoors, 3 mornings a week, all year round with a trainer at 7am

I’ve been doing it consistently for nearly three years now and I had a realisation last year that whenever I’d wake up and hear it was raining I would message my trainer:

Is it raining your side? Its coming down pretty hard here.”

And he would reply yeah same here, let’s leave today

On one of those mornings I went to my office early to use the time I’d usually be training to do some work. My office is right next to where I train and when I got there it wasn’t raining?

Then it dwelled on me I’d unnecessarily missed a training session and I asked myself why

Being self-aware and honest with myself I was able to uncover the root cause and it wasn’t the rain, the rain was the excuse?

The reason I missed it was because of an unconscious thought I had...

The little voice in the back of my head said: “It’s cold, wet and raining, you don’t need to train today.”

And instead of cancelling, I was weak and put it on my trainer to cancel by asking him how the weather was his side

Once I became self-aware of this, I made a commitment to myself

The commitment being I would show up for every session regardless of the weather and told my trainer he would never need to message and ask me if I was coming

People work with coaches and trainers for two main reasons:

1. For expertise and guidance to fast-track desired outcomes

2. Accountability?

And there are two types of accountability, to yourself and to someone else?

I was now being accountable to myself and if my trainer cancels on account of the weather that’s outside my control, I’m still showing up for me

So the other day it was pouring with rain, I got up and showed up only for my trainer to message at 6:57am saying he had an issue with his bike and needed to cancel

And that little voice in the back of my head said: "You can go to the office and get a jump start on the day"

But this time I caught that unconscious thought and I replied: "No, you're here and you're training"

And I had major breakthroughs in a few things I’d been working on, and it was incredibly satisfying knowing I did it on a day I wouldn’t have trained in the past

It was even more satisfying catching that little voice and overruling it

Here’s everything I gained from the session

Win for the commitment, Win for the self-awareness, win for the behaviour change, win for being accountable, huge win for the satisfaction of the breakthrough achieved from the new behaviour/habit of showing up all the time

The satisfaction and confidence gained serves as motivation to show up more consistently everywhere to achieve the same satisfaction

And here’s something else I’ve found… The more consistently I show up for myself, the more consistently I show up for my clients, the more consistently I show up for them, the more consistently they show up for themselves?

The more consistently they show up for themselves, the better they do

The better they do, the better I do?

And the more accountable and committed I am to myself, the more credibility and conviction I have to hold my clients accountable to the commitment they’ve made to themselves

If you want to take your batting to new levels of performance you’ve got to start by identifying which habits you’ve formed in how you THINK, TRAIN and PLAY are limiting your performance

Then you’ve got to form fundamentally sound new habits in those areas of your game?

And when you do you’re going to experience Quantum Shifts in your confidence, skills, consistency and performance?


