Reason. Imagination. Love.
Tom Morris
Hair Raising Philosophy. Yale PhD. Morehead-Cain. I bring deep wisdom to business through talks, advising, and books. Bestselling author. Novelist. 30+ books.
The Transformative Triad: Reason, Imagination, and Love.
We need these three things right now, in balance and at full throttle, to save the world from the ignorantly rapacious and self destructive forces that seem to be swamping all our institutions and endangering our future. In every dimension of our private and public lives, we need to rely on all three to guide us well and give us guardrails. And, ideally, we need to seek, find, and select governmental representatives at every level who show they respect this triad and demonstrate the personal resources to act well in accordance with it. We need the leadership of minds and hearts on fire with reason, imagination, and love. Only then will we see the cultures and consequences I tried to outline in my 1997 book If Aristotle Ran General Motors.