Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Sin is the reason for the present condition of the world. When Adam and Eve were originally created by God, they were given dominion over the world. This meant they had control over the world, to guide its systems and inhabitants according to the plan of God. When they sinned against God, they lost that dominion. (Genesis l-3)
When Jesus was crucified for the sins of all mankind and resurrected from the dead, He reclaimed the world. He pronounced judgment on the spiritual forces of evil:
And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15)
Although Jesus reclaimed the world from the power of the enemy, Satan does not yet acknowledge that claim. Satan still is at work in the world with his evil powers. Satan will
not acknowledge the claims of Jesus over the kingdoms of the world until the final conflict.
The present situation is similar to military conditions that often occur in the natural world. A political or military power will take control of a nation but their claims will not be acknowledged by rebel troops within that nation. The rebel troops continue to war throughout the country. They try to take possession of territory not rightfully theirs and overpower the citizens. They often use tactics of terror to accomplish these purposes.
The situation in the spirit world is similar. Jesus reclaimed dominion over the world, the enemy, and his evil forces. But the rebel troops of Satan still war throughout the world.
They try to take possession of territory not rightfully theirs and influence men and women for evil. This battle, which is our "spiritual warfare," will continue until the final conflict.