The reason behind the picture of the Wisconsin Baraboo's Highschool
Antonio Trincao
Cloud Computing, DevOps, 3D, Unreal engine, Systems Architecture, Full stack, Product, Sales, on and on...
It's very sad that over and over these kind of situations happen.
As an immigrant founder based in Silicon Valley, living in America, born and raised in Portugal, Europe, clearly there's something happening in America that we can't ignore.
The question is: How can we educate, propagate, show, and share what is wrong and what is right?
How can we create a moral behind our ideologies that make sense for the 2018 and the upcoming years, and can lead us to a different world, where our future is ensured?
It's almost like a cliche to think about these questions but today I'd like to provide you a unique insight. So unique that you will probably laugh at it, but I'll prove you scientifically, behaviorally, and humanly that's the path that we should take to ensure our future.
- Events
- Food
"Wait a minute did you really just read events, and foods, as a way to avoid a group of highscoolers take a picture doing the Nazi salution?"
Yes, I just said that.
First let's start with the foods.
Foods have been proven, to impact our:
- Behavior
- Spirit
- Mindset
- Education
- Mood
- Emotions
- Feelings
And so on...
I'll give you this example:
If you eat more GMO meat/fish, glutens like pasta, sodas, you'll have easily insulin spikes, change of behavior etc.
When we are young, usually we have more unstable moods and personalities, because of the consumption of the sugar in excess.
After turning into young-adults, we tend to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, that makes us more extremists. The famous saying "I just wanted to be young again" illustrates that desire of living life at it's fullest without limits, again.
Now, what's behind the infra-structure, of the "dangerous food" (GMOs, excessive gluten, fats, sugar etc)?
- Fabrics that produce chemicals, damage the environment, and do massive production using methods not approved by nature
- Logistics to deliver food at a fast pace in multiple locations, most of the times using fossil fuel transportation
- Western medicine that doesn't acknowledge that the food as a way to redefine our lives is the most important thing to prevent diseases like cancer
- Emergent countries located in the Southeast Asia or South America serving this infra-structure with most of the times no reasonable working conditions
"Don't see why this makes sense for the behavior of young adults doing the Nazi salute", are you thinking that?
Because most of the world is dependent on food related infra-structures, and the mood, ability to think, to dream, to function better, to fight better disease is 100% connected with what we eat, take a look at this loop.
Scientific references:
What cancer connects to bad behavior?
The toxic environment inside of our bodies (pre-cancer), is what creates nightmares, mood swing, anger, irritation, inflammation, aggressiveness etc.
All of this feelings are driven by 90% lack of access to quality food, and even if your problems come from earlier generations, most of the times you will say that you parents struggled to get food in the table, and you had a lot of "alcoholic problems", or abusive "father" at home (again created most of the times by the consumption of drugs, alcohol, and poor food nutrition/lifestyle)
Dive deeper with me.
What about the collateral impact this poor food nutrition has on yourself?
Tell me if you didn't suffer, or had a friend that suffer from:
- Digestive problems
- Acne
- Gut problems
- Psoriasis
- Joint pain
- Bad breath
- Ugly teeth, bacteria in the mouth
All of this events have a tremendous impact on our lives (believe I've been there).
Be honest, while you're reading this article, how many times have you felt the ability of thinking/reacting over a certain obstacle, and right away excused yourself with an health problem?
"I have so much headaches today, that I can't event think..."
"My back hurts me so much, let's drink a beer to heal"
"Oh my god I'm so hangover! I need a pizza!"
Now every time that you do these things, think on the cycle created to deliver this food to you, and what happens to you, to the ones who create this food, and the whole behavioral impact related with these extreme behavioral moments.
Watch another angle.
As an immigrant founder, I tend to follow different American personal accounts from people that I know to kinda understand what is happening around here...
I've seen a group of people complaining a lot about the rules of immigration created in the United States and the border problem of building the wall etc...
This same people, is the one that complains tons about not letting Mexican, or any other South American citizens to get in the United States.
Now these people are the ones that post on Instagram all the time the bad behavioral things, where the recent one was throwing new food to the trash, just because "they are cool", and featured that on their stories.
What is the moral behind of throwing food to the trash and at the same time you defend the human rights of someone coming to the United States in search of a new life?
Can you imagine what people in Mexico, Brazil, or any other Southern American country went through just to produce 10 apples?
The loop of all the problems, unstable behavior, and repetition of the same problems every 30 years, it's because of the new fresh blood that comes from the new generations that is starving for extremist environments, want to leave their lives at their fullest.
Do this analysis with me:
- Every time that you see a movie or documentary about extremist or criminal groups they all drink tons of alcohol, consume drugs, and have poor food nutrition/habits
Picture this with me.
Imagine a group of vegans, or yoga teachers, doing that?
Impossible right?
Because what?
Their behavior, the way they talk, their energy, their personalities, doesn't let them to propagate the negative, but instead the positive.
I don't want you to be convinced, right now (yet), that this is the future, but it is, and sooner or later you will have to accept that this is the root for all of our problems, and the safety of our race is 100% connected with this problem.
Do you want to get your mind even more blown?
Think every time that you watch a futuristic movie, what is the main characteristic that ALL of the movies from the future have in common?
They have rationality in the food served, and usually it's more abundant with fruits and vegetables.
Take a look here at the famous Star Trek movie.
I know that you'll say "oh they are in a space craft, they have their food portioned". And that's precisely the point, they have to control what they eat, in order to control their behavior.
Do you think if they had unlimited alcohol, candies and what not, they'd be able to perform?
That's precisely the pain point.
Are you skeptical about what I just said?
Why? Because probably you don't want to give away some treat like a pizza, bread with cheese, soda, beer with friends.
Now to picture the future/solution, frame this in your mind:
Do you think that the healthy, yoga, pilates, meditated people would be the world's future war leaders?
I don't think so.
Challenge as part of the solution:
Try to go over one month without eating bread, dairy, eggs, chocolate, candies and gluten. Occasionally eat organic, farm grown, meat or fish.
Supplement with Chromium (for insulin spikes), Silymarin for glucose, and Adrenals for the stress.
Eat plenty of vegetables, grapefruit, and other fruits, all of them organic.
Meditate, run, connect with the nature, play music, sing, enjoy.
After doing this one month give me your feedback.
Now what will be the driver for this new trend to be propagated?
Social networks like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, are great channels for you to expose your vision, try to viralize content, and share your thoughts to as much people as you can, but they don't have the same power/effectiveness has events.
Educational events, fire-side chats, networking events, and conferences are the new way to create meaningful communities that are driven for something bigger than them.
We have to be careful as well, because most of these gatherings were driven by the consume of alcohol and "drinking beers" moments, although a new shift is happening, where a much more conscious society is promoting these healthy routines.
Imagine, the entire world empowered with the easiness of creating an event where they can openly share their visions and emotions, supplemented by healthy food, healthy lifestyle, and most important clarity of thoughts?
How many moments in the history of the world we had that were marked by world-changing events?
"I have a dream"...
Imagine if you are able to empower the entire world, every human being, with the ability to talk, and express like Martin Luther King in the famous speech "I have a dream"?
The big takeaway, is that the world is leading us to a place where we want to balance the technology consumption, the nature is teaching/telling us to preserve it, and we want to get connected physically more and more.
The question that we will have to make ourselves is:
- What will be the design of our future lives that will remove the probability of the mindset shared in the picture of the Baraboo's school being NOT EVEN possible?
Food, and events.
Life is a celebration,
Sing and dance with her.
Antonio Trincao
Co-founder & CEO of
Head Of F&B Operations | Hospitality Consultant
6 年Amazing article ?? I totally subscribe every single word of it.