Reason 5: Limited Integration

Reason 5: Limited Integration

Reason 5: Limited integration

Reframe: We need a shared definition of success (i.e., the ultimate outcome, not just the output).

In trying to change behaviour, organisations often make the mistake of thinking that behaviour change is the inevitable outcome of the right communication and learning. In fact, behaviour – our mindsets and how we do things – is shaped by far more that hearing what we ought to do and being shown how to do it. Behaviour is an outcome of multiple systemic factors or levers, over which leaders have some control and influence.

Typically, in change programmes, multiple workstreams aim to design and implement changes to these systemic levers, i.e., to organisational structures, processes, systems, measurement and performance criteria, communication, leadership, stakeholder alignment and learning opportunities. What is often lacking is a shared view of how these levers contribute to the desired changes in behaviour and how value is perceived, created and delivered.

For efficiency, planning tends to happen in functional streams, with change seen as one of those streams, rather than a shared outcome of the overall programme. The result is a bottom-up and siloed approach to planning, with a focus on the outputs of the project rather than the outcome. ?An output is the result of an activity – for example, a new operating system is installed and used. ?An outcome is the value of the output for the company – for example, customer orders are processed more quickly, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. ?Thus the output is the enabler for the desired change, and needs to be framed as a component of the success, not the definitive measure of success.

To create a shared sense of ownership over the process that will lead to ideal outcomes, integration and alignment across streams is needed. This requires leadership effort in listening to and aligning the efforts of all teams. It also requires a shift in the mindset and management philosophy of project leaders, who need to see themselves as leading the change.

Effort is also needed to integrate change efforts with the business-as-usual activities of the broader business. Bringing business leadership along and making them part of the planning process is crucial; leaders at all levels need to participate in defining success early on in the process, to ensure a sense of shared ownership and alignment.

Key reframing question: ‘What is our shared definition of success? Who needs to share in owning the definition of success?’


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