Realtors love to over-think referrals

Realtors love to over-think referrals

You ever run into one of those "ordinary" people at a BBQ and think to yourself...

How the heck are THEY so successful?

Well I did not long ago.

His name was Dave and he owns a painting biz.

I started asking him very specific questions about his biz (cuz I'm weird like that).

And I learn that his biz now does over $4M per year.

AND I learn that he NEVER did any marketing.

I almost didn't believe him.

But then I start noticing every single person at the BBQ is coming up and greeting this guy.

I mean he knows EVERYBODY.

He's basically the life of the party, even though he's just talking to me the whole time.

And what was more interesting was that most people said similar things to him.

"Hey thanks for putting me in touch with so-and-so"

"DAVE! appreciate you dropping my name to so-and-so"

"Dude. THANK YOU for the rec man - that was so huge"

After I left the BBQ I realize, this guy has it all figured out.

And the no marketing thing?

Total BS.

He's a walking marketing firecracker.

Because he connects people.

And what do those people do in return?

They send every single person who utters the word "paint" to Dave.

In your real estate biz, I urge you to be more like Dave.

For example, as a Realtor, do you ever get asked these questions?

Who's a good painter?

Who do you like for countertops?

Who should I go with for landscaping?

Who do you recommend for carpet cleaning?

If so, make sure you have a relationship with someone in that trade.

If not, create a relationship ASAP.

If someone asks you for your recommendation, USE that as your first referral to your new referral partner...

"Hey Mr. Contractor, I have someone I wanted to send your way. Should I email you or someone else?"

"By the way, do you guys have a Realtor you like to recommend? No? Great. Maybe I can help down the road!"

And just like that, you've created a new referral partner.

It doesn't take much, and it doesn't cost a dime.

Start connecting people, and they will naturally do the same.

Don't over-think it.

And the BEST part about this strategy?

It?COMPOUNDS over time.

SO. Which two people can you connect today?

Because they're your next referral sources...

And to make it even easier on your sphere, you can start your own referral link here and share it with everyone you know...

Oh, and if you want to start building your referral network even faster, join our new group here...

See you on the inside.


