REALTORS! 0 Down Payment Loans Available NOW!
"A Universe of Better Loans"

REALTORS! 0 Down Payment Loans Available NOW!

Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2017? We are! If you still haven't shaken that NYE hangover off yet its ok. This quick message will get you motivated, and give the Realtors that use this game plan a MASSIVE edge on the competition.

PAY ATTENTION! Loanverse now has 0 Down--Down Payment assistance Loans available to Californian's. As if the recent Mortgage Insurance reduction wasn't good enough news--this program is tailored for the Millennial and first time home buyer generation! You have ONE job--get the word out. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Myspace (Who Remembers Tom), doesn't matter--GET THE WORD OUT!

In all seriousness, this is a consumer friendly program that helps people who do not have money for a down payment, become homeowners while Interest rates are still at historical lows!

Drumroll...What I'm sure you all have been waiting for; How as a realtor will you get business? It's easy, and there is no catch. Reach out to family, friends,social networks, people that come to your open houses, local businesses and anyone else you come across and ask them if they know that they could potentially buy a home with Zero Down Payment! I am sure you all know even just 1 person that is throwing away money EVERY SINGLE MONTH on rent! When you find this person (and they qualify) VOILA--thats a potential client. I am sure you know how huge word of mouth is these days, so once you help that first client, and they see how amazing this program is, the sky is the limit for you to grow your business.

Now, to the most important part. Millennials have the lowest rate of homeownership in documented history. It is our job as professionals to educate them about the benefits they have, and how easy and affordable homeownership is with these resources. 90% of Millionaires have become wealthy through owning real estate. The first home is the foundation, and first stepping stone to a long journey of buying and selling real estate. If work hard, honest, and seek to help inform, educate, and execute with the Millennial, you will develop a client for life and large book of business.

Please feel free to reach out to our team if you need some ideas on how to make the most of this program. Below is some important basic information about this program:

-Minimum 650 Credit Score Required.

-Maximum loan amount of $417,000 (Depending on County).

-Grant does not have to be paid back like other down payment assistance programs.

-Down Payment Assistance can be used for Single Family Homes, Condos, Town homes, and certain manufactured homes (433A & 433B certified).

-Must be Owner Occupied.

-Max DTI 45%

-Co Signers are OK!

Applying for a loan through Loanverse is EASY! Loan Application & Document upload available at



Over 30 years of experience.

For more information call (818) 430-5933 7 days/week.

Loanverse-"A Universe of Better Loans."


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