Realtor Open House Scripts – When Homes Sell Too Fast
Icenhower Coaching & Training
Coaching & Training Systems for Real Estate Agents, Teams & Brokerages
Use these Realtor open house scripts for real estate agents to use when homes are selling too fast to hold multiple open houses.
Learn the top Realtor open house scripts we give our clients to help them successfully hold multiple open houses in this fast-paced seller’s market.?
A low inventory market lends itself to lead generation. If it gets too low and houses are going too fast, it’s much harder to lead generate in many ways. Especially when it comes to generating business off of listings.
Let’s dive in on some of the best scripts to make the most out of your open houses.
VIDEO: Realtor Open House Scripts - When Homes Sell Too Fast
Use listings to lead generate
Generating business off of listings is one of the easiest ways to lead generate when it comes to people you don’t know. At?ICC, we teach that you should primarily be using your?sphere of influence (SOI)?to generate leads. And your SOI, of course, are people you do know (and who know you on some level).
When you aren’t lead generating from your SOI, you can use your existing listings to generate leads. The best and most successful way to do this is through open houses. They’re easy, they’re cheap, and it’s the best way to meet a bunch of buyers and generate new listings. Think about it — in what other scenario would you have this many potential clients together in one place?
Lead generating for buyers is like trying to catch a bumblebee. You don’t catch a bumblebee by chasing down an individual bee. Talk about a low conversion rate! You’ll look crazy, running all around town, trying to catch this individual bumblebee. If you really want to catch a bumblebee, go to the hive. This is what a listing is: a hive. Your listing will attract your “bumblebees” at higher numbers and draw them to you, no chasing involved.
Not to mention, not only will you attract buyers to yourself through your listing, but you will also attract more listings. Because the neighbors will see you working, and working hard! Looky-lou neighbors are a great opportunity for you to generate listings at an open house. Be ready and have solid Realtor open house scripts ready in your mind to convert these potential clients, or at least start a conversation.
Realtor open house scripts: when the listing sells too fast
So what happens if you list a home for sale and you get offers immediately? And what if your buyer is keen to accept one of those offers? This happens very often, especially in a low inventory market like we have seen lately.
We coach all of the Realtors we coach?to hold at least one, preferable two, open houses regardless of whether an offer has already been accepted. Why? It keeps your clients in the best negotiating position. Offers fall through all the time! There is no reason why you shouldn’t be working hard to get solid backup offers and interest, regardless of offer acceptance. Use this reasoning in your Realtor open house scripts when talking to your client.
And, on your side as a Realtor, holding open houses gives you more opportunities to lead generate. You can attract more bumblebees to your hive.
In the video in this blog, I talk about how important your open house marketing plan is. The more contacts you can make, the better. Even if someone doesn’t attend the open house, they’ve seen your name over, and over, and over. And, you begin to gain name recognition and you will certainly be seen as a hard worker.
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