#REALTALK & an apology
Emma Clayton
Career Success Strategist For Women In [Re]Insurance - Reach Your Leadership Potential With Real Confidence So You Can Thrive Both In & Out Of Work
Ranty post warning & an apology to any one that has ever felt excluded from the work I do.
I just had one of those penny drop moments on a call with my mentor.
I literally just realised that I’ve been led to believe (again) that someone else’s way in business - that had clearly worked for them - was also going to work for me. Doh!
Honestly, I’ve paid thousands of £’s to learn about and get more clear on my “niche” and “ideal client avatar” among other things that have kept me pushing paper behind the scenes.
I sh*t you not, I have faffed around with my frickin LinkedIn headline for THREE YEARS trying to “get it right” so my perfect soul mate client would stumble across my profile and KNOW that I was the mentor for them… “just like that, out of nowhere, as if by magic” (that was actually one of the affirmations I was encouraged to write out in my journal on the daily - I mean, really?!) #keepingitreal
I put off doing my website and business cards because I couldn’t land on what I wanted to call myself, never feeling I could fit into any of the tight boxes others were suggesting for me.
When all along, the reason I felt “blocked” and lacking “clarity” or “alignment” or any other coachy term for that matter, is because I was subconsciously blocking that BS all along, protecting myself from falling into the trap!
It always felt super restrictive and out of integrity for me to try and define it as narrowly as I was being advised - I didn’t like excluding anyone - so why would I?!
This is nothing against those coaches - they truly believe if its worked for them it can work for others too - and we buy into their belief in the hope that it will.
But every time I liberate myself from the limitations that are revealed to me (which is often on this path) I grow a little taller, feel a little braver and speak up a little louder and boy does it feel goooooood!
That is what we do in NAKED. I help you strip back the layers of BS you’ve been led to believe about you that just aren’t true. We start this Friday 16th October - if you want to know more, message me.
In the meantime, I am genuinely sorry to any one that has ever felt excluded or like you didn’t fit into the narrow criteria in my headline.
The truth is, I am here to help, serve, guide, support, mentor, coach anyone - male or female - who resonates with any part of my story from overcoming childhood trauma, issues with body image and relationship with food, to anxiety, imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence or self worth at work, as a fellow coach or biz owner or in life in general AND who are inspired by my journey of becoming all I came here to be and are activated to do the inner work it takes to live their best life on their terms.
I am always open to chatting to anyone about how I might be able to help, and if I am not best placed to, the chances are I know someone else in my incredible network that is. So please reach out if you want to chat - no sleazy sales tactics over here, just me being me.
Phew, that felt good, thanks for reading.
Have a great week, Emma xo