If it really is time to change jobs or career, then here are a few tips to think about.
Richard Taylor - Coaching To Make a Difference
Career & Life Transformation | Empowering Individuals to Create Purposeful Success | Navigating Change, Building Confidence & Achieving Fulfillment
1. Why do you want to change your job or career?
Are you motivated by getting more money? Do you have a bad boss or colleagues that just really annoy you? Maybe you feel that now os the time to chase that dream?
If the reasons above are pushing you to "change" then the first step is to define your reasons and motivation as this may assist you in deciding if its a career change you need or perhaps just a new environment to work form. You may decide that you need to up-skill to make a career change and of this is the case you need to do your research on what skills you need for your new career.
2. If is is time to change careers - research your new industry!
When I say research really do your due diligence so that you are making the right decisions with your eyes open. Make sure this is not a knee jerk reaction and that you do actually like and want to move to this new career. Are there any or many jobs available in your new career choice or do you need to start a business and go it alone? Without doing this research you could simply be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire!
3. Consult with a mentor for a neutral opinion.
A mentor will be able to make sure that this is the right decision for you, they will work with you and look at all of the potential pluses and minuses for the new change. Together you will both be able to look at this from another perspective without the emotion that you personally have attached to the decision.
4. Have you got the skills that will also apply in your new career or industry on display?
Does your LinkedIn profile reflect what you have on offer for a new employer, does it have the right photo, the correct information on your current and past positions, does your profile actually look professional? This is the way that employers, line managers and recruiters are now finding people so make sure you have this as up to dat as you can, oh and don't dump your resume onto your LinkedIn profile, please be a little creative here.
Your resume will be a list of facts, time and dates and also a record of skills and what you have done in the past, why not even download your LinkedIn profile as a PDF and send this to prospective employers?
5. Lets do this and make it happen!
You have done all of the preparation and made sure that this is the right decision - lets go out there and make it happen. Fear is natural and can and will be conquered if you have done the right preparation. The right mentor will help you through this process and make things much less daunting for you - now is the time let's make it happen.