Are really moving forward?
Hello everyone,
As we all have been over the past couple of months. We all have been very busy from worrying about what is going to happen, to our health and the health of our loved ones. Then to our jobs and also to our family stability and many other things that we have been concerned with. One of the things I have learned is the power of micro blogging. I know that many of us do not have the time to read long blog posts or the ability to digest them and try to get what is being said and how we can use them in our lives. So I am going to do several posts today and if you feel like you would like to comment on them. Please feel free to do so. I would like some feedback and allow me the opportunity to learn from you and your perspective on things.
So throughout the Covid Epidemic I have been absolutely amazed at how things have changed or the way that we have shaped things. I personally have been helping with all of the Covina molecular testing and it has been an eye opening experience to me and how wide spread this is and the way it has shaped our lives. The thing that has me concerned is why does it take something this big for us to change. We have had the chance and the ability to change for the better to reshape the country and the world and even our communities. After the fall of 2008 and 2009 and then the wars and disagreements we have had. Why are we still arguing over the same points and points of view? Why is there no change or perspective changes? As an Organizational Psychologist and one that focuses on Human Capital and Change and the ability to use this as a competitive advantage but it seems like from me that nobody cares about progressing they only care about what is going to help them and nobody else. So if we have more tools and technology then we have ever had before. Why has nothing changed and why do we keep on going around in circles. The image in my head is when I lived in Bolivia we would see dogs everywhere and when a female dog was in heat the male dogs would run around in circles after each other. Then the opportunistic male would take advantage of all of the other dogs that were more focused on chasing the other male dogs then he was about what brought him to the situation. It is like we are all running around in circles that never end. So why do we not change it then? Do we not have the technology or the ability? Why are we still living like it was 20 to 30 years ago?
I have been amazed from being on LinkedIn and on Facebook and other social platforms that I have been contacted so many times for the same services. Some are good, some are terrible but nothing I would say is a game changer for me. Why is marketing and the sales prospecting aspect of things still the same as it was in the 1970’s. Yes we have new tools like a sales navigator and phone that we can carry around with us. We have digital marketing and we have the ability to attract customers on their phones and their mobile devices. Why has nothing changed? It likes we are still trying to get people to open their mail to see the junk mail or open the newspaper to see the ads. Yes the newspaper and junk mail has shifted to digital marketing but has really improved. The open rates still suck and the conversion rates are even worse. That does not sound like improvement to me. It sounds like we are wasting more and more money. We are not using the tools we do have. I have worked for several companies that still think and a 10 to 25% open rate is fine and then a close rate of less than 10% is great. Really, that is great. I would assume that with all of the data tools and the ability to segment and push things to people. The ability to understand human behavior and how and why we buy would have a greater impact on us all. Why would we say things have improved when the truth of the fact goes back to what my grandfathers told me. That sometimes you just need to go knock that door and talk to people. If that is the best way then why are we spinning our wheels and money on all of this other stuff. Is it really human capital that is going to allow us to improve and get better? If that is key then why are wages going down and why are we not showing people that we really care and giving them performance payment plans that have shown to be effective? Why is that we do not understand the basic concepts of why the human experience is what we need to understand and we need to focus more on that then we need to be pushing money to another huge company that is only going to give it to their shareholders?
Accounting and HR
I am just amazed at how the Accounting and Human Resource departments and industries have not made any huge or big improvements over the past 10 to 15 years. I have been in Accounting and HR for 20 years and to be honest. Yes, we have systems that allow us to collect data faster and onboard faster. Why is this not the industry standard. I was talking to a company about a week ago and the manager told me that he will not trust an automated or semi automated onboarding system. He wanted to put all of that info by hand. What, Really, Why are we living in the 1970’s? There is a reason why there is such a huge disconnect from company to company and why employees go with big brands. They know they will be taken care of and know they will have to work but they will be trusted and know they will have an opportunity for them to actually go somewhere. Then in Accounting why are we still doing over half of the transactions at month end by hand. Have you ever heard of big or small data solutions? Have you ever really used a database like it was meant to be used. Have you ever leveraged your system to work for you instead of the other way around? Why is it that we pay people in these areas so poorly and then want the highest level of quality and security from them? DO we not see the potential here to really give them what they want and the ability to see what they can and can not do? If someone is not performing then why not give them the ability to show what they can do or where they would excel. There is ability in every one we just need to see it and see how we can amplify it. That is the key to see what skills or talents each person has and then develop those talents so they now have 10 instead of 2. If you say it is impossible I would ask what about you. Who was the one or two people that saw potential in you and what did that person do? That is what we need to do is be the catalyst in everybody's lives and grow together as a country, Organization, or community as a whole unit instead of separate beings.
Benefits and true human Potential
Has anyone ever sat back in a park or an open space and watched children or other people interact and wonder what they do for a living or what their true potential is for them and their children. I wonder about this constantly, as I look at benefit packages and see if they are worth the time of day or not. Then I look at what companies from small business to large ones do for their employees. I am not happy to report that if we did the same things to our pieces of equipment or things that we purchased for millions of dollars we would all be out of business. Do we not understand the kind of impact that our employees have on our organization. Do we really think that by paying such a low amount of health insurance or life insurance or anything to bring stability to our employees lives and then we want a 110% productivity and efficiency from them but we are only willing to put in a mere 20% of the cost of the premium. Really, That is not fair and why would an employee come to work for you. They need the money and that is about it. I have been studying this for about 18 months and have worked with several great companies and found a way to give lifelong benefits to all employees no matter where they are or what company they work for. Giving them the benefits they want and the ability to offer something that they would really use. The best thing is that it does not cost employers any more than what they are currently doing. IF you see this as a way to cut cost on employee benefits. You are missing the picture we need to develop the human capital in all of our companies. We need to be offering life long benefits and also giving them the ability to save for the future and let them feel like they are winning at the game of life. I have talked to so many employees that feel like they could do so much better but do not have the chance to do so. If you are one of those employees that does want to advance please contact me and I will show you how to advance so fast that you will be amazed and then you can find that company that really wants you and you can add so much value to the company that you would be amazed and they will pay for you. So employers if the employee is willing to improve what are you doing? Are you willing to really take a good hard look at your human capital and benefits? If you are lets talk. If you are not then I hope you can find a good solution that works for you.
Thank you
I know this is very deep and some of the questions I have had the past couple of months? If you want to talk about this then please contact me, here are some of my services:
- Automation and semi automation solutions in - HR, Accounting, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Other business Departments and anything that deals with data.
- Customer engagement - Behavior and Customer insights, trends, segments, anything else to bring in customers and engage with them.
- Employee Engagement - Behavior and Employee Insights into work program, performance programs, Incentive programs, workplace culture, Anything to drive the human capital of the business up.
- Compensation and benefit program - You want to maximize this to give your employees the best opportunity possible. If you really want to find a way to engage with employees we need to talk.
- Data solutions - big and small data options and automation and semi automated solutions to drive the culture and ROI of your company.
- If you truly want to take yourself or company to a new level then call me or message and we will show what we can do.
- The best thing is I am willing to put everything on the line and not charge a dime for the first 30 days. I will show you what I can do either remote or in person all for free for 30 days. Then after that we can discuss. There you go. Try to find any high power consultant that will not charge you for 30 days. I will put everything on the line because I know that I will transform your organization in 21 days or less. IF you do not believe me just try me. There is no risk for you. The only risk you have is to give me a call or message me. I will look forward to talking to you.
Jason Goble
Yes, You can text if you want.